"Dr." Joe Diamond - You have the right to a medical exam

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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Sers · 601

"Dr." Joe Diamond - You have the right to a medical exam


Credit: Fantasy Flight Games

Thank you Valentin1331 for the template and 5argon for the upgrade tool!


This deck is a fun idea of one of my friends and I adapted it to be more effective. It basically is a combo fighter deck revolving around Gray's Anatomy, Abigail Foreman, Ancient Stone and draw effects. It can easility deal 8 damage while only testing against (1) and also being ablue to gather clues every now and then. Watching this deck (originally played with Beat Cop), was so much fun that I had to make my own version of it.

Table of Contents:

  • Overview

  • Main Strategy

    • Advanced Strategy

    • Other Strategies

  • Hunch Deck

  • Upgrade Path


Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
Enemy Management: ★★★★★
Clue-getting: ★★★☆☆
Encounter protection: ★☆☆☆☆
Survivability: ★★★★☆
Economy: ★★☆☆☆
Card Drawing: ★★★★☆

Main Strategy:

Advanced Strategy:

  • Do it again afterwards if you have Abigail! Remember that you have a -window for drawing during the Skill Check, so no bonus damage gets wasted!

  • Do it again... again? Ready Abigail with Interwoven Ink!

  • Since Gray's Anatomy resolves in Step 7 of the Skill Check, you can do the same with just commiting Perception, Eureka! or Plan of Action.

  • Since the when-condition of our Hypothesis triggers before the effect is resolved, the Quills Interwoven Ink can ready it again, so you can use it a second time later or for the Abigail test.

Other Strategies:

Hunch Deck:

The hunch deck I would recommend is:

It's mostly carddraw to gather all the pieces ASAP. I am not a big fan of hunch deck-Shortcut, but in some scenarios where you don't have time to get clues it might be better than Captivating Discovery. Later on you can add more awesome -stuff in!

Upgrade Path:

Link to the 0xp deck

I would always start with In the Thick of It to get Ancient Stones ready ASAP. Depending on what your team needs, Dr. Milan Christopher can be swapped with Beat Cop.

Depending on the xp you can earn early, I would either l save the 1xp for upgrades or get Death • XIII at the start.

 Cost  Total
    →  Ancient Stone 1 XP 1 XP
    →  Ancient Stone 1 XP 2 XP
   Ancient Stone    Ancient Stone •••• 3 XP 5 XP
   Ancient Stone    Ancient Stone •••• 3 XP 8 XP
   Vicious Blow  →  Gray's Anatomy ••••• 5 XP 13 XP
 2  "I've got a plan!"  →  ☑ Living Quill 1 XP 14 XP
    →  ☑☑☑☑ Supernatural Record 4 XP 18 XP
    →  ☑☑ Mystic Vane 2 XP 20 XP
   Dr. Milan Christopher  →  Abigail Foreman •••• 4 XP 24 XP
   Dr. Milan Christopher  →  Abigail Foreman •••• 4 XP 28 XP
    →  ☑☑☑ Interwoven Ink 3 XP 31 XP

Link to the full xp deck

Thank you all for reading. If you try this deck, tell me how it worked out. As always, any feedback or criticism is welcome. I hope you all have as much fun with it as we did.


Feb 14, 2023 Valentin1331 · 64345

Cool deck!!
I tried to make this work and couldn't find my way, but this seems to be the best use of Gray's Anatomy I've seen so far!

As further upgrades, Alternative Hypothesis and Independent Variable on Empirical Hypothesis can make you collect 2 Evidence each turn you fight an enemy, for 2 fast triggers of Ancient Stone before Interwoven Ink gives you the 3rd one.

Another idea could be to add Soul Sanctification to store +2s for your Gray's Anatomy tests when you don't need all the damage and decide to use the heal as a second option with Abigail Foreman.

To cut the XP, I would probably use 1 Abigail Foreman, no Supernatural Record and 2 Research Librarian + Calling in Favors.
And have you considered the Occult Lexicon as an alternate "weapon" instead of the Machete?

Feb 14, 2023 Sers · 601

Nice catch on Soul Sanctification! Sounds like great idea.

I thought about the Empirical Hypothesis upgrades aswell, but it seemed like so much xp already that I didn't bother with it. But yeah, cutting 1 Abigail Foreman definetly seems to be the best play. Shes not actually necessary most times and we can cycle fast enough as it is to find her.

I originally tried to play the same deck as a Daisy Walker-Variant and Occult Lexicon was great in that, so maybe thats a good idea aswell. I'd just be worried that I don't draw them and end up without a way to deal 2 damage reliably eary on.

Calling in Favors with these other allies seems fine, I just don't think Gray's Anatomy is usable without The Raven Quill because of attacks of opportunity anwyways, so I'd rather hard search for the quill. But I guess both are viable options.

Thanks for the feedback! I think this deck can still be optimized and I look forward to it. :D

Feb 15, 2023 HungryColquhoun · 6719

I like it! I thought about similar myself (Joe with Gray's Anatomy and The Raven Quill plus Ancient Stone/Beat Cop/Occult Lexicon/Forbidden Tome) but couldn't make it sit quite right. I think the combo with Abigail Foreman is a really nice touch and nothing I ever considered, and then Interwoven Ink is even nicer!

My minor only thought would be possibly to squeeze in upgraded Backpack as this allows for tutoring The Raven Quill (as it's an item despite it also being an event) as well as Ancient Stone. Cutting Mystic Vane and adding In the Thick of It could make this still balance out at 30XP, and then possibly more skills could be taken to compensate for ditching Mystic Vane.

Overall it's a great deck, nice work!

Feb 15, 2023 Sers · 601

@HungryColquhoun Thank you! I never thought about backpack, but that could indeed be a really ood addition! Will definetly try that out. :) It can even find Machete or Occult Lexicon if you run them.

Feb 16, 2023 SilverTwilightLodgeJanitor · 7

Hi Sers, very interesting deck! If you need even more burst damage for boss killing, try including Occult Lexicon or Occult Lexicon. I wrote down this combo here: arkhamdb.com That poor boss. ;-) By the way, great idea to combine Gray's Anatomy with Hallowed Mirror! Now even Joe with his abysmal head & foot stats can comfortably stare the Mythos in its face.

Feb 16, 2023 Sers · 601

Hi @SilverTwilightLodgeJanitorand thank you for your comment! I haven't tried the Occult Lexicon variant yet, but I think its a good combo. I just don't like that you only get 3 copies of the spell, so I definetly prefer the stone, but for burst it's really good! :)

Feb 16, 2023 Sers · 601

Small update: After running this deck through Innsmouth in another 2p campaign, I feel Like Supernatural Record and 2xStudious are by far my favourite way to get setup. Just hard mulligan for The Raven Quill (and offen hitting Death • XIII, too) and then use hunch draw and skills to find the stones was really reliable and low effort.

Feb 17, 2023 SilverTwilightLodgeJanitor · 7

@Sers What I meant with the Occult Lexicon is using BOTH this and Ancient Stone at the same time for maximum boss-killing potential :-D
Studious, hard mulligan, and any tarot sure are a winning combination!

Feb 17, 2023 Sers · 601

@SilverTwilightLodgeJanitor Oh yeah, true, that sure hits hard. :D I forgot that Abigail Foreman frees up the hand slot when she holds Gray's Anatomy, so that works better than I initially thought! :)

Dec 20, 2023 jucathulhu · 1

I think a lot of people keep saying the combos with Grays Anatomy are boss killers, but just a friendly reminder that you cant stack multiple uses of the Tome, even with cards like Abigail since they only permit to do the same ability again. From the card's page:

Q: Can you stack the effect of the action? I mean, doing the action twice choosing the same card could grant a +6? A: You can stack the effect, but only to a max of +3. The "max +3" applies across all instances of the ability (as well as across all copies of the card among all investigators). Once that damage or healing has been applied, you could theoretically use it again to get another +3 on a different healing/damage effect, but you couldn't use it twice in a row to get more than +3 to a single effect.

Mar 22, 2024 Sers · 601

@jucathulhu True! But you can "use" them by drawing and pinging during the second test (before it resolves) so they don't have to stack :)