Green and Mean: Jenny Solo, Dunwich, Hard, Scenario 1

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Green and Mean: Jenny Solo, Dunwich, Hard, Scenario 0 3 3 0 1.0
Inspiration for
Green and Mean: Jenny Solo, Dunwich, Hard, Scenario 1 Redo 1 1 1 1.0

SocialPsientist · 145

Scenario 1B: The House Always Wins

The first time I played through Dunwich I went to Miskatonic University first, so this I'm going to head off to the Clover Club first.

Goals: I'd really like to get out of this scenario with 5 victory points for Charon's Obol and Streetwise. I'm unsure if this is going to work out or not, but here goes nothing...!

Concerns: The main concern here is being unable to get past the Clover Club Cardroom. Additionally, Rotting Remains could turn out to be particularly painful.


Starting hand: Perception, Leo De Luca, Flashlight, .41 Derringer, Perception.

Thoughts: Overall a rather strong starting hand. Leo De Luca is good for "sacrificing" to Clover Club Lounge. On top of that I have a weapon and a Flashlight. I don't think that I need Perception this early in the game, so I'm going to toss those back.

Mulligan: Discard 2x Perception. Draw Fight or Flight, Unexpected Courage. Shuffle discards into deck.

Jenny to La Bella Luna. Reveal. Place one clue.

Clover Club Pit Boss to Clover Club Lounge.

Turn 1

5 resources, 0 damage, 0 horror.

Mythos: Skip.


  1. Play Flashlight. 3 resources.
  2. Play .41 Derringer. 0 resources.
  3. Gain 1 resource. 1 resource.

Enemy: Clover Club Pit Boss moves to La Bella Luna. Aloof.

Upkeep: Draw Fight or Flight. Gain 2 resources. 3 resources.

Turn 2

3 resources, 0 damage, 0 horror. Fight or Flight, Fight or Flight, Leo De Luca, Unexpected Courage.

Mythos: Add doom to The Clover Club. 1 doom. Draw Something in the Drinks. No effect. Surge. Draw Arousing Suspicions. Add doom to Clover Club Pit Boss. 2 doom.


  1. Move to Clover Club Lounge. Reveal.
  2. Discard Leo De Luca to Clover Club Lounge. Gain 2 clues. 2 clues.
  3. Move to Clover Club Bar. Reveal.

Enemy: Clover Club Pit Boss to Clover Club Lounge.

Upkeep: Draw Knife. Gain 2 resources. 5 resources.

Turn 3

5 resources. 0 damage. 0 horror. Fight or Flight, Fight or Flight, Unexpected Courage, Knife.

Mythos: Add doom to The Clover Club. 3 doom. Draw Cursed Luck. (Then to actually curse my luck.)


  1. Drink at Clover Club Bar. Spend 2 resources. 3 resources. Gain two clues. 4 clues. Draw Double or Nothing, Elusive.
  2. Fast. Spend 4 clues. 0 clues. Advance Beginner's Luck. Put Darkened Hall into play. Spawn O'Bannion's Thug at Darkened Hall.
  3. Move to Clover Club Cardroom. Reveal.
  4. Move to Darkened Hall. Reveal. Put 3x Back Hall Doorway into play.

Enemy: Clover Club Pit Boss to Clover Club Cardroom. O'Bannion's Thug is Aloof.

Upkeep: Draw Overpower. Gain 2 resources. 5 resources.

Turn 4

(Forgot to record character state.)

Mythos: Add doom to The Clover Club. 4 doom. Advance. Shuffle encounter discards into deck. Advance to Agenda 2a Underground Muscle. O'Bannion's Thug loses Aloof and engages.


  1. Fight with .41 Derringer. 3 + 2 from .41 Derringer + 2 from Overpower + 2 from Unexpected Courage + 1 from Knife - 1 from Cursed Luck. Total is 9 looking for 4. Draw -1. Success by 2+. Draw Narrow Escape. Kill O'Bannion's Thug. Discard Cursed Luck.
  2. Move to Back Hall Doorway #1. Reveal Back Alley. Place 1 clue.
  3. Use Flashlight. 3 looking for 0. Draw 0. Success. Gain one clue. 1 clue.

Enemy: Clover Club Pit Boss to Darkened Hall.

Upkeep: Draw Lone Wolf. Gain 2 resources. 7 resources.

Turn 5

7 resources. 0 damage. 0 horror. Fight or Flight, Fight or Flight, Double or Nothing, Elusive, Narrow Escape, Lone Wolf.

Mythos: Add doom to Underground Muscle. 1 doom. Draw O'Bannion's Thug. Engage.


  1. Evade. 3 looking for 2. Draw -3. Fail.
  2. Evade. 3 + 1 from Lone Wolf. 4 looking for 2. Draw . Spend 3 resources. Success. Evade O'Bannion's Thug.
  3. Gain 1 resource. 5 resources.

Enemy: Clover Club Pit Boss to Back Alley. Engage. Take 2 damage. 2 damage.

Upkeep: Ready O'Bannion's Thug. Engage. Draw Leo De Luca. Gain 0 resources (O'Bannion's Thug).

Turn 6

5 resources. 2 damage. 0 horror. Fight or Flight, Fight or Flight, Double or Nothing, Leo De Luca, Elusive, Narrow Escape.

Mythos: Add doom to Underground Muscle. 2 doom. Draw Twist of Fate. Draw . Take 2 horror. 2 horror.


  1. Play Elusive. Move to Darkened Hall.
  2. Move to Back Hall Doorway #2. Reveal VIP Area. Add one clue.
  3. Use Flashlight. 3 looking for 1. Draw -4. Fail.

Enemy: Clover Club Pit Boss to Darkened Hall.

Upkeep: Draw no card. Gain no resources. (VIP Area).

Turn 7

3 resources. 2 damage. 2 horror. Fight or Flight, Fight or Flight, Double or Nothing, Narrow Escape, Leo De Luca.

Mythos: Add doom to Underground Muscle. 3 doom. Advance. Spawn Conglomeration of Spheres in Clover Club Lounge. Shuffle cards into encounter deck. Remove La Bella Luna from game.


  1. Use Flashlight. 3 looking for 1. Draw -5. Fail.
  2. Draw Double or Nothing.
  3. Draw Backstab.

Enemy: Clover Club Pit Boss to VIP Area. Engage. Attack for 2 damage. 4 damage. Conglomeration of Spheres to Clover Club Cardroom.

Upkeep: Draw no card. Gain no resources. (VIP Area)

Turn 8

3 resources. 4 damage. 2 horror. Fight or Flight, Fight or Flight, Double or Nothing, Double or Nothing, Leo De Luca, Narrow Escape, Backstab.

Mythos: Add doom to Chaos in the Clover Club. 1 doom. Draw Something in the Drinks. Lose one action. Surge. Draw Cursed Luck. (Repeat from above.)


  1. Lost due to Something in the Drinks.
  2. Fast. Play Fight or Flight.
  3. Draw card. Clover Club Pit Boss attacks. Narrow Escape cancels. Draw No Stone Unturned.
  4. Fight with .41 Derringer. 3 + 2 from .41 Derringer + 2 from Narrow Escape + 2 from Fight or Flight + 1 from Double or Nothing + 1 from Backstab + 1 from No Stone Unturned - 1 from Cursed Luck. 11 looking for 6. Draw . Succeed at 2+. Deal 2 damage to Clover Club Pit Boss twice. Kill Clover Club Pit Boss. Discard Cursed Luck.

Enemy: Conglomeration of Spheres to Darkened Hall.

Upkeep: Draw no cards. Gain no resources. (VIP Area).

Turn 9

2 resource. 4 damage. 2 horror. Fight or Flight, Double or Nothing, Leo De Luca.

Mythos: Add doom to Chaos in the Clover Club. 2 doom. Draw Servant of the Lurker. Engage.


  1. Evade. 3 looking for 2. Draw -5. Fail.
  2. Evade. 3 looking for 2. Draw -3. Fail.
  3. Evade. 3 looking for 2. Draw -1. Succeed.

Enemy: Conglomeration of Spheres to VIP Area. Engage. Attack for 1 damage and 1 horror. 5 damage and 3 horror.

Upkeep: Servant of the Lurker readies. Engage. Draw no card. Gain no resources. (VIP Area).

Turn 10

2 resources. 5 damage. 3 horror. Fight or Flight, Double or Nothing, Leo De Luca.

Mythos: Add doom to Chaos in the Clover Club. 3 doom. Draw Dissonant Voices.


  1. Evade Servant of the Lurker. 3 looking for 2. Draw 0. Succeed.
  2. Move to Darkened Hall. Conglomeration of Spheres attacks for 1 damage and 1 horror. 6 damage and 5 horror.
  3. Pass.

Enemy: Conglomeration of Spheres attacks for 1 damage and 1 horror. 7 damage and 5 horror.

Upkeep: Servant of the Lurker readies. Draw Overpower. Gain 2 resources. 4 resources. Discard Dissonant Voices.

Turn 11

4 resources. 7 damage. 5 horror. Fight or Flight, Double or Nothing, Leo De Luca, Overpower.

Mythos: Add doom to Chaos in the Clover Club. 4 doom. Draw Rotting Remains. 3 looking for 3. Draw -5. Take 3 horror. Defeat.

Ouch! That was painful. ...sigh... Let's see what we (read: I) can learn from this.

First, I went through 17/33 cards in the deck and only found a single card for clue-finding (Flashlight). This shouldn't be that unusual statistically (~24%), and I'm wondering if this is a potential problem. I did get blocked in the VIP area for several turns, which was frustrating both as I wasn't able to do much of anything and because I wasn't able to passively gain cards and resources. In future scenarios I'll hopefully have some Lockpicks to further increase the odds of drawing a clue card, but that doesn't help me with scenario 1.

The Dissonant Voices was very painful, stopping me from playing Fight of Flight and hopefully evading both the Lurker and the Conglomeration and then moving away to the Darkened Hall.

I did get rather lucky with Double or Nothing, which I'm somewhat happy about. I also didn't draw into the Green Man Medallion, but that wouldn't have really helped me to get out of the current situation.

If I had stopped to get the clue on La Bella Luna before leaving, I could have advanced the Act in the VIP room in combination with the clue from the Back Alley. Perhaps that's a good consideration for the future.

Okay, I'm going to try this again and see if I can do any better... Onward!


Sep 05, 2018 Magnificate · 1197

I found that running House Always wins as the second scenario is usually a better idea. It's marginally easier if you don't want to save Mr. Clover and nets you an extra XP point.

Sep 05, 2018 SocialPsientist · 145

@Magnificate: Thanks for the comment! What's the extra XP point from? Do you mean that Extracurricular nets you can extra over the House Always Wins?

Sep 05, 2018 Magnificate · 1197

If you're doing HAW first, you usually aim for R2. If you're doing HAW second you might want to be cheeky ang go for R3, but usually R1 is more than good enough. R1 happens to include one extra XP,

Sep 05, 2018 SocialPsientist · 145

@Magnificate: Aha! Right. So I guess in this run through I could have killed the Clover Club Pit Boss and then booked it out and gotten 1+1 XP, which would have been enough for the Charon's Obol. Hm, that likely would have been the better approach at the point where I knew I was going to have to engage with the Boss.

Overall I think that I'm okay with aiming for R1 in general for HAW, and this is food for thought. Thanks!

Sep 05, 2018 bee123 · 31

Cool recap! You had some really rough luck on turns 9-10, though. I want to be contrary and say I prefer doing the House Always Wins first. In non-spoiler terms, I think it's much easier to get a nice resolution doing EA second than it is doing HAW second. There are a couple of ways to squeeze every last drop of EXP out of HAW if you plan ahead as well :)

I think deck-building for solo vs multiplayer is a really different beast too. You can specialise with multi-player, and with one player you really can't. Good luck :)