Ursula Downs is up to do it alone

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Ursula Downs TTS 0 0 0 1.0

AlexSand · 48

I suppose that my deck title was catchy enough if you are reading this. Don't forget to like :)

So this is obviously a solo Ursula deck. I passed TCU quite easily with a variant, this is my improved version which I hope should be able to survive hard mode.

Ursula is indeed a very potent solo investigator:

  • In solo you do not need to stay long in the same place, making her ability a fourth action almost every turn. Add Pathfinder and you are playing 5 actions a round.
  • Her statline is great. 1 in fight may look scary at first, but seeker card pool allows to deal with enemies without ever using this stat, so it just does not matter.
  • She can access a rather limited card pool, but seeker cards are actually all you need. I think indeed that Relics are kind of a trap. Of course using Ornate Bow with Dr. Elli Horowitz may be tempting, but I am not sure it can be reliable enough for solo. And level 0 relics seems just not good enough to include ( Tooth of Eztli is the only lvl0 relic I would consider, and yet only as a one of).
  • Her weakness may also look scary, but actually once you are setup it is not that bad: you want to move and investigate most turns anyway.

Choosing your allies

Ursula's signature card, Jake Williams, is actually quite a problem. It is not a bad card, but ... he takes the ally slot, and there are better allies. More precisely, there is Mr. "Rook". Mr. "Rook" provides an incredible deck consistency, making xp-costly cards still better by ensuring you will find them. Of course he might also bring your weakness, but at least you won't draw it. So what should we do with Jack ? I decided to use him to tutor Rook, with Calling in Favors. But to make it reliable, I need a few more allies. Dr. Milan Christopher is still an obvious choice, even with the taboo, but I had a few bad experiences when he was discarded by some nasty treachery the turn right after I played him. So I finally included only one copy and replaced the second by Laboratory Assistant, which also combos well with Calling in Favors Obviously, those allies are also here to provide some soak.

Dealing with enemies

1 in fight is so abyssal that you don't want to ever use it. Ok, so what's the plan ?

  • 4 agility should allow to safely evade most enemies. Note that on some maps you can also just evades hunters without loosing to much tempo, because Ursula ability allows to use "move" action to investigate ! It also means that you do not need a weapon asap.
  • That let you some time to find clues for "I've got a plan!", to collect Blood-Rite and later to find Strange Solution
  • When there is a boss, I like collecting multiples Blood rites to kill it without being scared of a badly timed tentacle.
  • I did not upgrade to the bow: two hand slots seemed too costly.


Magnifying Glass is cheap and efficient, and Fieldwork goes really well with Ursula's ability. Dr. Milan Christopher can also help, and remember that you can investigate even when there is no clue to activate him and get some cash after a move.

Filling the deck

Crack the Case is a very solid economy card. I included also one Emergency Cache because the deck can get a bit expensive after I enter Pathfinderx2. Shortcut seems also too good to skip. After that I kept some space for a fairly large number of skills, to get ready to whatever comes out of the treachery deck.


In TCU most scenario have a resign option, so Charon's Obol can be the first buy. Then early upgrades should be Strange Solution x2, Pathfinder x2 (replacing Mind over Matter and Guts) , and Charisma x1, after what I like getting one copy of Glimpse the Unthinkable (replace one "I've got a plan!") After that lots of option are open: Higher Education , Death • XIII, Magnifying Glass, Grisly Totem , Emergency Cache to refill the potion, The Gold Pocket Watch, Crystalline Elder Sign, Forewarned another Glimpse the Unthinkable or Cryptic Research

Waiting for your comments on how to improve it !