Sefina Rousseau - Solo Return to the Midnight Masks

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Sefina Rousseau - Solo Carnevale of Horrors 0 0 0 1.0
Inspiration for
Sefina Rousseau - Solo Return to the Devourer Below 3 3 0 1.0

unremb · 251

(Spoiler Warning)

Return to the Night of the Zealot solo:

Disclaimer: non-blind run - several decisions within the game as well as in deck-building is done with prior knowledge of the Campaign in mind.


Start draw with Drawn to the Flame and Storm of Spirits should be good.
Not having Lone wolf this game made me realize just how dependent Sefina is on the bonus from Dario El-Amin and to pay for Streetwise.
Will need a more stable bonus like that from Lola Santiago.

Return to the Midnight Masks (Standard Difficulty):

Events under Sefina: Backstab, Drawn to the Flame, Premonition, Sneak Attack, Storm of Spirits
Game Begins: put Four of Cups in play

  1. Turn 1:
    Play Dario El-Amin
    Exhaust Dario El-Amin to gain 2 resources
    Play Shrivelling

  2. Turn 2:
    Encounter: Obscuring Fog on Your House
    to Rivertown
    Play Emergency Cache
    Exhaust Dario El-Amin to gain 2 resources

  3. Turn 3:
    Encounter: On Wings of Darkness (4 vs 4) (-4: fail - 1 damage & horror)
    Play St. Hubert's Key
    Play Recall the Future (RtF)
    Exhaust Dario El-Amin to gain 2 resources

  4. Turn 4:
    Encounter: Obscuring Fog (on Rivertown)
    to Miskatonic University
    Drawn to the Flame with The Painted World: False Lead surge Hunting Shadow (2 damage)
    Exhaust Dario El-Amin to gain 2 resources

  5. Turn 5:
    Encounter: On Wings of Darkness commit "Watch this!" (3 resources); Quick Thinking; Gilded Volto (8 vs 4) RtF (-3) (: success; +6 resources; +1 action)
    Spend 2 clues: spawn Ruth Turner on St. Mary's Hospital
    to St. Mary's Hospital
    Evade Ruth Turner Streetwise (+3) (7 vs 5) RtF (-3) (: success; Add Ruth Turner to Victory Display
    Exhaust Dario El-Amin to gain 2 resources

  6. Turn 6:
    Encounter: Hunting Shadow (take 2 damage)
    Heal 3 damage (St. Mary's Hospital)
    Investigate (4 vs 2 shroud) RtF (-3) (: success; draw Drawn to the Flame)
    to Southside

  7. Turn 7: Advance Agenda (spawn Narôgath
    Encounter: Locked Door (attach to Your House)
    Shrivelling on Narôgath commit Quick Thinking (8 vs 3) RtF (-3) (0: success - 2 damage; +1 action)
    Shrivelling on Narôgath (7 vs 3) RtF (-3) (0: success - 2 damage)
    Backstab with The Painted World commit Swift Reflexes (6 vs 3) RtF (-4) (-1: success - kill and add Narôgath to Victory Display)
    Search deck for Abbess Allegria Di Biase (Southside)
    Refresh: draw Unspeakable Oath (Cowardice)

  8. Turn 8:
    Encounter: Mask of Umôrdhoth cancel (Ward of Protection; 1 horror)
    Investigate (4 vs 2 shroud) RtF (-3) (-2: success)
    Spend 2 clues: spawn Alma Hill
    Evade Alma Hill (4 vs 3) RtF (-2) (-1: success)

  9. Turn 9:
    Encounter: Hunting Nightgaunt
    Storm of Spirits (6 vs 3) RtF (-4) (+1: success - 2 damage)
    Shrivelling on Hunting Nightgaunt (6 vs 3) RtF (-4) (0: success - kill Hunting Nightgaunt)
    Shrivelling on Alma Hill (6 vs 3) RtF (-4) (-2: success - kill and add Alma Hill to Victory Display)

  10. Turn 10:
    Encounter: Disciple of the Devourer (spawn Downtown)
    Play Abbess Allegria Di Biase
    Play Recall the Future (RtF)
    Exhaust Abbess Allegria Di Biase to move to Rivertown
    draw Backstab under Sefina

  11. Turn 11:
    Encounter: Masked Horrors (+1 doom)
    Investigate Streetwise (+3) (6 vs 3 shroud) RtF (-4) (-2: success)
    Exhaust Abbess Allegria Di Biase to move to Easttown
    Investigate (3 vs 2 shroud) RtF (-2) RtF (-3) (0: success)
    Spend 2 clues: spawn Peter Warren at Miskatonic University

  12. Turn 12:
    Encounter: Crypt Chill (6 vs 4) RtF (-3) RtF (-4) (0: success)
    Exhaust Abbess Allegria Di Biase to move to Downtown
    Evade Disciple of the Devourer (4 vs 1) RtF (-4) (: success)
    Evade Disciple of the Devourer (Unspeakable Oath (Cowardice)) (4 vs 1) RtF (-4) (: success)
    Fight Disciple of the Devourer (2 vs 3) RtF (-1) RtF () (-1: success; Exhaust RtF - kill Disciple of the Devourer)

  13. Turn 13:
    Encounter: Crypt Chill (6 vs 4) RtF (-3) RtF (-4) (-1: success)
    Exhaust Abbess Allegria Di Biase to move to Northside
    to Miskatonic University
    Backstab on Peter Warren (4 vs 2) RtF (-3) RtF (-4) (-3: success - kill and add Peter Warren to Victory Display; exhaust RtF)
    to Rivertown
    Refresh: draw Stars of Hyades - remove Premonition

  14. Turn 14:
    Encounter: Disciple of the Devourer (spawn on Easttown)
    Exhaust Abbess Allegria Di Biase to move to Graveyard
    Play Drawn to the Flame: Mask of Umôrdhoth attach to Disciple of the Devourer
    Play Delve Too Deep: Disciple of the Devourer (spawn Northside)

Scenario Ends ( R1 : 8VP )

Cultists we Interrogated: Alma Hill, Narôgath, Peter Warren, Ruth Turner
Cultists that got away: Jeremiah Pierce, Herman Collins