By Book or by Crook: Daisy Walker

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Daisy's deck 1st try (2 core, 4 players) 1 1 0 1.0
By Book or by Crook: Daisy Walker 0 0 0 1.0
Dunwich By Book or by Crook: Daisy Walker 0 0 0 1.0

Herumen · 1719



This deck is designed to be part of my "By Book or by Crook" partnership, in which the unlikely pair of Daisy Walker & "Skids" O'Toole stick together for mutual benefit, as several cards in both decks can benefit other investigators at the same location. Both investigators have action advantage effects enabling up to 9 total actions each round. This action advantage lets them investigate locations & deal with enemies more quickly and compensates for not splitting up. Daisy focuses almost entirely on investigating, while "Skids" focuses on engaging enemies and eliminating them.


With her 5 , Daisy is a natural at investigating, and her can be further boosted with the assets Magnifying Glass & Dr. Milan Christopher and the skills Deduction & Perception. Further, Drawn to the Flame, Working a Hunch & Deduction each allow her to find 2 clues with 1 action. Scrying helps mitigate the downside of Drawn to the Flame and is generally useful in directing enemies to "Skids" and treacheries to Daisy, who can cancel them with Ward of Protection. [When "The Dunwich Legacy" is released, I will likely revisit this deck to add Rite of Seeking and more cards to boost her .]


Barricade helps protect the party from enemies. When an enemy does engage Daisy, she can fight or evade with Mind over Matter, or "Skids" can cancel the attack with Dodge. When wounded, Medical Texts can heal damage from either investigator and is one use for Daisy's tome-only additional action. Fearless can heal horror from Daisy and offset the direct horror from Ward of Protection & The Necronomicon. "Skids" can also use First Aid to heal damage/horror from either investigator.


With Daisy investigating 2-3 times per turn, Dr. Milan Christopher should easily keep her in resources, while her Elder Sign effect, when it triggers, can draw up to 3 cards. Old Book of Lore provides more targeted card drawing for either investigator and is another use for her tome-only additional action. It is also a good way to spot an investigator's weaknesses and shuffle them further down (hopefully) into that player's deck


1XP: Upgrade Magnifying Glass to Magnifying Glass I; or Mind Wipe in lieu of 1x Ward of Protection for additional encounter control.

2XP: Encyclopedia in lieu of Medical Texts. This is a great card that provides a repeatable +2 to any one skill of any one investigator at Daisy's location for the entire phase. As a tome, it also benefits Daisy's card drawing ability and can be used with Daisy's Tote Bag and her additional action.

3XP: Bulletproof Vest or Elder Sign Amulet. Neither of these is that crucial for this deck, since Daisy will be avoiding all enemies, when possible.

4XP: Cryptic Research is a great 0-cost event letting any one character at Daisy's location draw 3 cards.


Dec 03, 2016 LikeaSsur · 43

Very nice formatting and breakdown of card choices and XP upgrades. Good deck!

Dec 05, 2016 OzValdo · 691

Great deck description ... can tell u love this game!

Dec 05, 2016 Herumen · 1719

@LikeaSsur @OzValdo Thanks! It's a little difficult to be very creative with deck design with only the Core set out, but I like the way these two decks work together. Yep! I'm a HPL fan and am enjoying the game so far. Excited to see how it develops!