Jim & Daisy's Doot-tastic Adventure

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Renmabo · 549

Gathering (R1) 7 exp--> Midnight Masks (R1) 9 exp--> Extracurricular Activity (R1) 2 exp--> The House Always Wins (R3) 3 exp--> The Miskatonic Museum (R1) 3 exp-->

So far Jim and Daisy seem to synergize quite nicely. Jim's Trumpet and Fearless keep the two sane. Daisy's ability to tutor up and use Medical Texts keeps the investigators healthy. Along with her remarkably fast feet using Pathfinder, Daisy is extremely adept at clue gathering and surprisingly good at fending off basic foes with Mind over Matter, "I've got a plan!" and Disc of Itzamna, while Jim can duke it out with larger foes between the newly upgraded Shrivelling and the Song of the Dead/Grotesque Statue combo. Hypnotic Gaze and Dynamite Blast have proved to be all-stars in saving us from being cornered into bad situations and keeping up with the doom clock.

Daisy seems to be best-suited to parley with survivors while keeping them safe and on-the-move ("Jazz" Mulligan, Lita Chantler, Peter Clover). Jim excels at combat with his offensive spell set-up. Fire Axe was cut due to how important Jim's Trumpet and Grotesque Statue are. Ritual Candles are not to be underestimated either. The candles help soften the blow of the hard-mode /// icons just enough for Lucky! to tip the odds for your success.

Our only struggles came in The Midnight Masks. Jim Culver's offensive-spell based build wasn't quite up and running with both Shrivelling and Song of the Dead costing a hefty sum of influence. Grotesque Statue is an absolute first pick when you have the influence. In the very beginning saving money for Dynamite Blast and Hypnotic Gaze is key to taking down early baddies until you can find your Shrivelling.

We also struggled a bit with catching the elusive Ruth Turner. I foresee the best method to handling tests to be with Daisy Walker's Mind over Matter.

I've found that, when moving forward in the Core Set campaign, It is fortuitous to complete The Curse of the Rougarou as a side mission first (if you can reap the best Resolution benefits)-- as the extra benefit aids greatly in The Devourer Below. (Though we set this aside in favor of pushing forward in The Dunwich Legacy)

Our next planned mission is continuing with The Essex County Express, then heading back to do The Curse of the Rougarou and The Carnevale of Horrors and finally The Devourer Below.



1 Mental Trauma/2 Exp Remaining


Apr 01, 2017 OzValdo · 677

I think u need arcane iniative to speed up the spells

Apr 06, 2017 Renmabo · 549

@OzValdo I haven't tried Arcane Initiate extensively yet! While the search each turn might be nice to get your arsenal up quicker-- I feel that between the sets of Shrivelling and Song of the Dead there is enough to either mulligan or draw into at least one. Perhaps Marie Lambeau or Agnes Baker might do better with this card. I feel that the doom is a big deal as you get later into the scenarios-- especially in encounter decks that contain Ancient Evils.