Honestly an amazing card. There are obvious uses like finding the victory point enemies for the xp or just drawing a bunch of cards but I want to cover some other very useful use cases:
•Fishing out difficult enemies just before an act/agenda shuffles the discard back in to avoid drawing them again.
•Certain enemies want to be evaded not fought but this can be awkward if they spawn at a crossroads or location you'll have to backtrack on, by going to a dead-end and playing this you can ensure they stay out of the way.
•Getting the victory point enemy out of the deck when there is downtime so you don't have to deal with them later AND they spawn exhausted giving your team time to deal damage risk free of oppertunity attacks, relatilate or regular attacks.
•Enabling otherwise inconsistent clue getting cards like Scene of the Crime or Evidence! (notably able to find big enemies for Evidence! (2)) for when you really need the clues. Conversely being able to find high stated enemies for a card like Power Word early can allow you to get a lot of value or high health enemies for "Let God sort them out...".
•Certain enemies may have prey traits which are problematic for your team such as preying on your low or teammates to target their weak points, by drawing them yourself early you avoid these issues later for them (especially true for enemies which do things when they engage someone such as unavoidable damage).
A lot of these are minor use cases which aren't always useful, but considering you get all of this on a 0 cost draw card is amazing utility if you know what you're doing and long term will redefine how enemy management rogues go about their jobs and is a massive boon for guardians who get access to this like Zoey Samaras, Leo Anderson or Marion Tavares. Similar cards like Kicking the Hornet's Nest or On the Hunt may perform some of these jobs but "Where's the party?" does all of them and does it best I'd say.