Ravenous Myconid

Just wanted to point out that because Uncanny Growth is an Insight, it works very well with Crafty, which is already one of the best tri-class talents from EotE. With an upgraded Myconid it is almost pure upside (discounting situations where you cannot or are punished for playing events) as you can make Uncanny Growth free with 1 resource then test at +1 with the other.

Fits very nicely into the Ice Pick-Scavenging loop and other Insight-heavy decks (e.g. Joe Diamond). Big hand Seekers may also want to get into horticulture, especially Harvey Walters who can easily use Farsight on Uncanny Growth and would appreciate Nurturing Strain's soak for damage from his weakness and horror from deck reshuffling.

koaexe · 29
The ressource income machine rises dramatically when your partner runs Sceleton Key. Amazing! — Baseliner · 119
Bank Job

When I first read this card, I thought, "wow" eight resources!" and slotted it into my Alessandra deck. Two actions and six resource gain makes this equivalent to two emergency caches in one card! In reality, it just feels too clunky. Two actions is a lot of time, and other econ cards, like Faustian Bargain and Easy Mark put Bank Job to shame.

That being said, this does have a good home in a few decks. The first is big money, where it could be a nice shot in the arm and a placeholder for Unscrupulous Loan. It's too bad Preston can't take this.

The second, and more interesting home, is in the Underworld Market. One of the drawbacks of the Underworld Market is the resource cost, and Bank Job is a great way to afford it.

Lastly, It's nice in investigators who can take a lot of actions, though those actions are usually better used for basic actions like moving, investigating, and fighting.

Overall, this card looks better than it reads. It's good those who need a lot of money, but there are several more flexible options.

maxamaster90 · 11
I pair it with Geared Up. Make my guardian rich. — MrGoldbee · 1470
I think the main value of Bank Job is the card compression rather than action compression. When 2 copies of Emergency Cache will net you 6 resources when 2 copies of Bank Job will net you 12, so in theory, you could add 2 Bank Jobs instead of 4 economy cards and have roughly the same econ in your deck, while giving you 2 additional spaces for other good cards. This is increasingly good as the card pool increases and building decks becomes more and more challenging. Last but not least, you mention the Underworld Market, but I think it's good to almost mention Fence which cuts the initiation action of Bank Job! — Valentin1331 · 73692
I wholeheartedly disagree with this review, Bank Job is incredibly efficient, both as resource generator for yourself and as a way to play support, since you can generate tons of resources to your team, and spending two actions isn’t clunky, there are multiple situations in every scenario where you are searching for things to do with the actions you have (either because you are the cluver and there aren’t any clues right now or because you are the fighter and no enemies showed up, so you are in set up mode) and if this is in your opening hand, just play it and never have to bother with resources again. Card is also great in big money decks. — DakonBlackblade · 5
@valentin I agree! It's nice to have that extra card in the deck, which is why I like it in big money decks. I was going to talk about fence, but I found it's a big up front cost to pay 3 resources for fence and then 2 for bank job (plus the extra two resources if you place it in the market) — maxamaster90 · 11
@dakon. I did say it's good in big money decks, so you can't say you wholeheartedly disagree with it :P As a cluer Alessandra running through Hemlock, I found myself investigating the entire time and starved for actions, even with leo out. I think this card definitely improves if you're a fighter, who is more likely do have down time. I can also see this card going more up in value with more players, because more players leads to more down time. — maxamaster90 · 11
Bianca "Die Katz"

Not sure Bianca is very good unless you have a limited card pool.

Probably the best comparison will be to Gregory Gry. Each are lvl 0 economy allies that give you resources over time. Bianca is less expensive, but higher risk. Her best case scenario is to be +8 resources after 2 activations. Wheras Gregory can be +6 resources without any activations. (assuming you just do other skill tests). In this case, Gregory feels like the winner as the 2 actions you save could just be to gain resources if needed.

If you choose to play her safe, wearing fine clothes and testing X=2, then a second comparison can be to Dario El-Amin. In this case, Bianca will be +8 resources after 5 activations and Dario will also be +8 resources after 5 activations, but without any risk, more soak and a potential for a stat boost. In this case, Dario feels like the winner.

kamiidude · 63
Unless you're Aless and have free Parleys. — MrGoldbee · 1470
Dawn Star

Stupidly powerful, low XP, and Neutral. This one here is an instant Curse staple.

The key here that puts Dawn Star and Diabolical Luck above its ilk such as Skeptic or Fey is that you play it after the tokens have been revealed, meaning you can go into a test with this sitting in your hand, knowing you've got the Star to bail you out... or not if you don't need it! Never fear spending your big Skill card to accidentally beat a check by 7 when you pull the . Dawn Star only needs to be used when it will change the outcome.

Of course, Dawn Star also pays you off for hitting curses with inconsistent but testless damage, so there may be situations where you want to stack the odds to make sure you have as cursed a draw as possible. Beyond filling up the bag with , we have some extra tools for this:

Cards that get you a lot of curses at once:

Favor of the Moon is fantastic as always. I like to wait to draw one curse naturally, then use Favor to follow it up so I get at least 2 hits guaranteed.★★★★
Premonition depends on what you seal but a bag-shenanigans deck can always make this one work.★
Olive McBride and her glow-up get you more choice AND an extra token, repeatably.★★★★★
Nkosi Mabati can mill ,, symbols into a for increased density.★★
Unrelenting can also artificially deflate the bag of non- tokens (and draw you some cards!)★★★

While we're here, it's worth mentioning that there are other complementary cards that pay you for revealing a lot of tokens at once.

Other cards that want to reveal as many curses as possible in one go:

Voice of Ra
Armageddon (4)
Eye of Chaos (4)
Rod of Carnamagos (2)
Shroud of Shadows (4)
Gaze of Ouraxsh
Tristan Botley
Henry Wan... but you ain't crazy enough for that... or are you?

The best part, of course, is that there's really no way to lose! As long as there are Curses going around, Dawn Star is going to save your ass, on the cheap, in rich style, with a little cherry on top. Enjoy!

Edit: Note that the lower list of cards cannot all make use of Dawn Star directly since the card specifies it is played after revealing tokens during a skill test (thanks to Valentin1331). They do all play well with a Curse-heavy deck and so likely slot in with the Star.

Hey Mr Asscan, great feedback. Just one thing, in the end you mention a few cards. Unfortunately Dawn Star mentions « during a skill test » so cards like Gaze, Voice of Ra, Henry, or probably the strongest (21 or burst since you can simply decide to not stop when you burst) do not work here. For Rod, we are still waiting for a confirmation. And finsally, how could you review this card without mentioning this mind blowing art?!! — Valentin1331 · 73692
It's also pretty good on Diana for her ability, where even a curse ignored makes that card extremely worthwhile. — mugu · 223
@Valentin1331 concerning the interaction with Rod I'd say theres no modifier to ignore on the rod-fished curses (since they are not pulled in the context of a skill test they have no value and no modifier) so they dont count for the "For each curse ignored" clause. I could be wrong though — drfrigof · 1
Hold Up

Given it costs 1, you'd have to succeed by 4 in order to save 3 resources and break even w/ E-cache. You'd also need to have an item that costs at least 4. You'd probably also want to have the resources to pay for it even if you only succeed by 0 or 1.

You do save 1 action and avoid attacks of opportunity so there is value in that, but it may not be enough to make it worth it when looking at it purely in regards to economy. Where it could be good is using it in combination with events/skills that have additional non-damage effects.

"Throw the Book at Them!", Act of Desperation, Cheap Shot, Grievous Wound. All of these could be good events with this.

Stunning Blow can still evade. Long Shot says "does 1 damage" not, "deals +1 damage" so you can still get some.

Zeal being used for the automatically success means that you can ensure your item is heavily discounted.

kamiidude · 63
Hold Up + Zeal = Puss in Boots? — MrGoldbee · 1470
Now that you mention that you want the resources to pay for the item, I notice that the text doesn't say that you "may" play an item if you succeed. So if you succeed by 0 or 1 then wouldn't that mean that you have to play the item anyway? If you don't have the resources I guess you just whiff? — Nephthys17 · 1