Pete || Hunter & Home Made Bombs

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

RyanMuQ · 763

Pete never turns back his head because he knows he must win Pete never turns back his head because he knows he must win (Dynamite Blast does not do skill tests).

If you like this deck, please give me a ❤️. It is my biggest motivation to update my deck series!

This is a deck for primay fighters that relies on Dynamite Blast instead of weapons. Starting with Pete's Guitar, Pete is a reliable partner that is particularly good at managing enemies. It saves tons of actions as you pull them away and need not to fight against them immediately for multiple rounds. Finally you get them together and kill all of them by Dynamite Blast. For the whole loop, you do not need to pass any tests.

Shrine of the Moirai shines in this deck - By activating Shrine EVERY TURN, this deck converts surviver’s brilliant survivability to infinite resources,and then converts to economy (via Take Heart), action boosts (via Predator or Prey), damage soaks (via Hunting Jacket) and bombs (Dynamite Blast). You will see how powerful dilemma cards are with synergy with Shrine.

The shrine itself is also recursive thanks to "Ashcan" Pete's - after you play the second shrine, the first one is auto-discarded as it is unique (). Then you can take it back by either Pete's or Shrine's ability.

  • You cannot play Shrine of the Moirai if there is already one in play, as is specified in rules of Unique (). So Survival Technique is the only way to recur besides Pete's effect. So make your plan to stay in that location and trigger ST to take it back when you want.

This deck is tested: I used it and finished the hard level FHV campaign in a 3-player team with Trish Scarborough and Kōhaku Narukami.

Getting tired of typical fighters? Try this deck! The hunt is on!


Ovcerall Stats

Main Strategy

Mulligan for Shrine of the Moirai, Dynamite Blast and Resourceful.

Then you will discard 10 cards. Totally you will have 3/4 chance to see Shrine in hand or in discard pile. Use Resourceful if it is in discard pile. And once you have Shrine of the Moirai, every card in discard pile is accessible. Hence you will have little pressure on mulligan.

Fight against enemies

Briefly, the loop is:

  1. Stall for time and push enemies together by your Guitar / Barricade / Predator or Prey.
  2. Kill all of them by Dynamite Blast or "Devil".
  3. Prey for yourself in Shrine of the Moirai and take the bomb back.

"Devil" is your second choice when Dynamite Blast is not found, or you are lack of money, or you play them together to deal 5-damage area of effect (AoE).

Solemn Vow is not only for team healing. Use it to actively put damage on "Devil" and Hunting Jacket so they can take effects and move into discard pile more quickly.

Run your engine

Besides of the traditional engines including Stand Together, Take Heart and On the Hunt, Hunting Jacket is the one I want to highlight. Good enough to gain 4 net cash, and it has 2 damage 2 horror soak. The synergy is actually not important at all.

Support your friends

As this deck is pretty asset light-weighted, and you begin with 10 cards in discard pile and with Shrine of the Moirai, you will very likely to be the first one to get ready. Give your friends a hand by your engine cards: At a Crossroads, Take Heart, Ever Vigilant and Stand Together to gear them up quickly.

Drawing Cards from Discard Pile

As you get Short Supply, you get 10 cards discarded in every scenario. Shrine of the Moirai lets you to draw 2 cards each round from the discard pile. The most valuable cards are:

Dynamite Blast is the primary card for fighting. Always make your plan to ensure it is in hand when it is needed. 3 damage ensures you to kill every enemy in most situations. While the damage is important, you do not need to invest too many experiences on it to reduce the cost. The 0xp version is good enough.

Take Heart: I would say in most cases it is the primary selection among engine cards to recur. 2$ helps to play these cards as soon as possible.

Ward of Protection prevents you from horrible treachery cards. As you trigger Shrine almost every turn, you take much more encounter cards than your teammates. While enemies are usually easier to handle with Pete's Guitar, treachery cards is more horrible as sometimes it breaks your plan (Dissonant Voices). It totally neutralizes the encounter card drawn by Shrine together with Pete's Guitar, and you may even take it back after resolving the encounter card. The horror is minor because Guitar heals you continuously.

Predator or Prey is super powerful as long as you get it from the discard pile. It triggers immediately after you add it to hand. And it is totally controllable - YOU decide where the enemy is and YOU choose the time to trigger it. As long as you have the enemy in your location, you can go anywhere as you want. Recurring PoP saves you and your teammates totally 1 actions EVERY turn if you want. It also helps you disengage with enemies before you throw bombs.

Hunting Jacket is also a good target as it gives you +2 damage +2 sanity +4 money. Any of them are quite needed.

In practice, I found Shrine of the Moirai is never wasted and is even a little bit overloaded. There are so many good choices.

As Shrine of the Moirai itself is also recursive in this deck, you don't need to use up 3 offerings before discarding it. Recycle it anytime you need it. Recycle it right after you use it and play it again enables you to trigger it twice in a round.

Shrine of the Moirai can also be triggered by your teammates. The second choice is usually a mystic, as they have Ward of Protection. You can indicate them to recycle valuable things like Favor of the Moon and they will appreciate you, I promise.

Miss Doyle and Versatile protects the deck from getting reshuffled by adding more cards into the deck. Reshuffling is a disaster - you lose all your choices.

Improvised Shield is not the target card, and it can recur by itself - it goes to the discard pile normally if you play another Shield and drop the original one because you take up more than 2 hand slots.

Gravedigger's Shovel is only used for taking up hand slots to recur Improvised Shield and in rare cases deal the last damage. So it is not crucial.

Upgrade Path
 Cost  Total
   In the Thick of It  →  "Devil" •• 2 XP 2 XP
    +  At a Crossroads 1 XP 3 XP
   Scrounge for Supplies  →  Shrine of the Moirai ••• 3 XP 6 XP
   Obsidian Bracelet  →  Hunting Jacket •• 2 XP 8 XP
    +  Versatile •• 2 XP 10 XP
    +  Ward of Protection 0 XP 10 XP
    +  Stand Together 0 XP 10 XP
    +  Predator or Prey 0 XP 10 XP
    +  Shrine of the Moirai ••• 3 XP 13 XP
    +  At a Crossroads 1 XP 14 XP
   Scrounge for Supplies  →  Hunting Jacket •• 2 XP 16 XP
   Dynamite Blast    Dynamite Blast ••• 3 XP 19 XP
   "Let God sort them out..."  →  Survival Technique •• 2 XP 21 XP
   Kicking the Hornet's Nest  →  On the Hunt ••• 3 XP 24 XP
   Kicking the Hornet's Nest  →  At a Crossroads 1 XP 25 XP
   "Let God sort them out..."  →  Nine of Rods ••• 3 XP 28 XP
Luxury Upgrades 28 XP
   Dynamite Blast    Dynamite Blast ••• 3 XP 31 XP
   Hiding Spot  →  Lure •• 2 XP 33 XP
   Moonstone  →  Lucky! ••• 3 XP 36 XP

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Aug 03, 2024 kyo600 · 1

Interesting use of Shrine of the Moirai + Predator or Prey for action economy. Never considered that. Note that you cannot play a copy of Shrine of the Moirai while another is in play. They don't discard each other, you cannot attempt to play a second one at all.

Aug 03, 2024 RyanMuQ · 763

@kyo600 I checked the rules again and yes you are right! I misunderstood the rules ;) I will modify my notes accordingly. Shrine can be recursive by Survival Technique though.

Aug 05, 2024 RyanMuQ · 763

Personally, I think it is a pity for Shrine of the Moirai. I understand the initial motivation is to avoid abusing Shrine by playing 8 Shrine by 4 players, triggering it 8 times and doing something incredible, and I understand that the purpose of Rule of Unique is to avoid the negative feelings when others play the second copy and force the first one to be discarded. But it makes this card nonsense - it cannot be auto discarded when running out of offerings, and it prevents the second copy into play. Not to mention the existing constrains - limit 3 offerings, exhausting required, draw encounter cards, and limit 2 dilemma per round.

Aug 09, 2024 WildViolet · 1

I really like this deck, would love to use it in the next campaign! Would you mind putting a link to the 0xp version?

Aug 10, 2024 RyanMuQ · 763

@WildViolet Glad you like it! Here is the 0xp deck.

Which investigator will be your partner(s)? This deck has significant strengths, but also has significant can't-dos (e.g. it is not good at handling Elite boss). I can provide some variant options based on your team if you like. (suppose to be part of the article, but seems that no one is interested on it ;)

Hope you enjoy the deck!

Aug 10, 2024 WildViolet · 1

@RyanMuQ We're usually doing a 4 player setup, but I've accomodated to the team the past two times so I think they'll let me just pick whichever i liked... (hopefully). I do get the premise of the deck, really wanted to put the Devil in one of them so was really happy to see it here! Thanks for the 0xp version, much appreciated, very cool idea!

Aug 26, 2024 knoxb · 26

What about throwing Duke in? Wracked by Nightmares isn't so bad in this deck. It would be fun to have both his signatures

Aug 27, 2024 RyanMuQ · 763

@knoxb The main reason not including Duke is because Duke cannot be recurred by Shrine. Note that Duke, as a signature card, does not have a card level, and Shrine implicitly requires the recurred cards to have card levels. So you will have 2/7 chance to discard it by Short Supply, and cannot use it in the entire game. If you do not care about this uncertainty, you can definitely include Duke and use it like Machete.