Gang Up

You control cards in your hand. Does that count for this card aswell? When I play it do I control the card itself? This is the pay-off card for classes like Lola, Charlie and Subject. Permanents count which makes this card very good for Lola as she can very cheaply control a lot of classes. I wonder if there is a build for other classes using Multi-Class assets.

Cards can only interact with cards in play. You do control cards in your hand but they do not count for Gang Up. Gang Up itself does not count as a Guardian card while it is being played either. — Soul_Turtle · 466
"Control" is one of the most frustrating rule confusions for me. As written in the rules, you "control" cards in your hand. Don't believe me? It says so in the rules. And yet, somehow, we're supposed to know that on cards like this, "control" does not include the cards in your hand. Can anyone, anywhere, point to where the rules specify that? — acotgreave · 864 — Thatwasademo · 58
The 13th Vision

Important note especially for Hard/Expert players: this card means dropping the difficulty of a test to 0 to succeed on all non-autofail tokens will no longer work as a strategy as long as it is in play. Until you discard this, you'll be losing a lot of the value of cards like Flashlight.

Athe · 11
The Eye of Truth

Just browsing cards that can be used by Amanda Sharpe and found this card. In an Amanda deck this is an additional Promise of Power without the cost of curse tokens, and it may remove a random treachery you draw the next turn. Does it worth 5xp for that effect? I don't know, but I know I will try this card in my next companion.

PhotonCat · 1
The challenge with this card in Amanda is that it disappears from your deck. Since Amanda can cycle through cards super fast, that might not be something you want. However, it's an amazing card anyway, and I've certainly used it in Amanda. — acotgreave · 864
Wounded Bystander

This signature weakness acts as more of a deckbuilding restriction: must include cards that heal Ally assets.

It's a very soft weakness if you have the tools to deal with it. It costs no actions, doesn't deal you any net damage, and doesn't ever cycle into your deck. You even gain an extra point of soak with it!

Needing to cure the the Bystander is the wrong mindset. All you need to do is to prevent him from dying. From that perspective things get a lot simpler.

At 0xp Bandages counters 3 instances of damage each and can be scavenged. Soothing Melody counters 2 instances of damage each. In a single deck cycle that packs Hallowed Mirror and Bandages you're already good for 12 instances of damage, which is far less than what most scenarios will throw at you.

B-tier options include Bizarre Diagnosis, First Aid, Emergency Aid and Medical Student, which are more action inefficient or will waste the horror healing.

With XP, you'd almost always have the Surgical Kit as a backup option, but you should rarely need it. Other very good choices include the Forbidden Tome, Call for Backup, and Manipulate Destiny with blurse support.

Note that with 3-damage burst heals like Bizarre Diagnosis and Surgical Kit, it's more efficient to let the Bystander go to 1 health and then heal back to 4 health than to discard it entirely. That way it can continue to soak damage for you, and you don't waste the heal.

yinwhite · 17
For me Forbidden Tome lacks the syngery with Vincent Lee here. It does neither trigger his ability, because it is not "healing damage", nor does Lee have any particular incentive to play with a big hand size. Also, you'd need to research that card first. — AlderSign · 301

Does Refine let you check the Inscription of the Hunt box on Runic Axe now that it's chained? If so, does that cost you XP mid-scenario? I was planning to play both in my deck anyway, and when I went to look it up I couldn't find any information about it.

AppleSaws22 · 14
Since each box costs 1 xp, I would simply treat it as having an extra box you need to tick — Lodge_Infiltrator · 1
I do not agree that we should treat "Inscription of the Hunt" as if it had an extra checkbox. According to the latest Taboo, Runic Axe has 'chained' trait, which increases the XP cost but not the level of a card. E.g. If, in between scenarios, you mark two checkboxes, "Heirloom." and "Inscription of the Hunt.", you spend 3 XP but the cards are considered level 1. Based on how "Refine" is worded, I would say that you could mark the checkbox next to "Inscription of the Hunt." without any additional cost. — konax_krakow · 1