After the 1st , the market deck is not ever shuffled again. Therefore you will slowly gain open information about the order of cards in your market deck (and able to nudge the ordering little by little), to full information in 5 rounds of consecutive 2nd use.
A trick that helps making use of this card to the fullest is to not face down the cards you arranged and put on the bottom, so in 5 rounds you have a market deck that is fully revealed and you can inspect the ordering at anytime. (I believe it is not cheating as it is equivalent to jotting down the moving order on scrap paper.)
Round 6 onwards you can selectively trigger the 2nd with clearer overhead view of the market :
- Cycle the market without reordering to have a good card waiting on the top 2 of market deck. (You can browse the entire market where the good stuff is, having revealed them all.)
- Try to arrange such that one of 3rd or 4th card combo with one of top 2 cards.
- If you lack 1 resource or hand space to purchase, just stop using 2nd to have the market wait indefinitely.
Some more observation after having used this card :
- 1 resource to purchase feels heavy enough, that I don't want too many of my Illicit key pieces to be all in the market. This card serves "tutor" and "situational skip" function. For tutoring, too many pieces you need to purchase consecutively from the market hurt the tempo, compared to having a half of combo coming up naturally from the deck. I have to focus on designing a combo between Illicit and non-Illicit cards too.
- There is also a problem if you purposefully left some Illicit in the normal deck, since you need more Illicit to make up 10 cards to trigger the 1st to form the market on game's start.
- Allow more Skill cards in the deck space after you offloaded Illicit Asset and Event onto the market deck, since Skill cards are better drawn normally and be ready for commit especially on late game.