Cat Mask

Obviously, this card makes the doom charm suite much better Dowsing Rod, Ceremonial Sickle, Onyx Pentacle, Hallowed Chalice, especially at level 0. Something you might not have noticed is that the mask also recharges when the first doom is placed on the agenda, an enemy, a treachery, etc, which makes it possible to take this mask for its skill values without the doom suite in those campaigns that really like doom.

Crazly · 184
Since Amina's ability to cheats cards into play with doom already on them, I assume I'm correct in thinking said ability doesn't replenish an offering on the mask. — Blitheharrow · 38
Amina Zidane

Make way, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, there's a new (un)Holy Trinity in town.

Use Cat Mask offerings to turn Amina's miserable stats into respectable 5 or 5.

When you're out of offerings, add doom to Blood Pact for the same bonus... replenishing Cat Mask offerings.

Sin-Eater removes the icky doom that's lingering around (and incidentally can also refresh Cat Mask offerings).

With a bit of careful sequencing, this lets Amina test at base 7 and 7 for damn near every test. This opens up lots of options for Amina, including:

And on top of that, Amina can play assets at a 3-resource discount! (Be aware that Amina's ability causes the asset to enter play with the doom, and so doesn't trigger Cat Mask, but moving it onto a fresh Sin-Eater will).

Edit: Amina might trigger Cat Mask. Check the comments below!

...There's a downside though, which is that it's kind of tricky to assemble. There are two problems:

  1. Sin-Eater costs 6xp (and the permanent Blood Pact costs another 3xp)
  2. You need to find Cat Mask (and potentially Blood Pact)

Solving the second problem means card draw and tutoring. Scroll of Secrets and Scroll of Prophecies both draw quickly through the deck, and Backpack ties it all together. All of it discounted by Amina!

The experience problem isn't really solvable in deck-building. Needing to play the first scenario without Sin-Eater is... grim. There have been some suggestions floating around of "fixing" Amina by having her start with 5xp like some other investigators, or by having her start with Sin-Eater itself. You can figure out what your group enjoys!

I hope people will give Amina another go! I'm not going to lie, she's pretty bad, but with the new toys, she's no longer a deadweight and can hold her own, with a fun and unique doom-management mini-game.

Remember to pack your Wards of Protection! Always practice Ancient Evils safety!

Frost · 272
You can also add Sign Magic (3) to trigger the Sin Eater for free. — Tharzax · 1
FWIW there is an existing email ruling out there that amina's ability does trigger cat mask. but its one of those email rulings that you just have to decide if you're table is going to squint and believe because it doesn't really make sense and hasn't made it to a proper faq or anything yet — NarkasisBroon · 10
It was given on 24th January 2024, and I haven't seen it be corrected since, but I might have missed it. — NarkasisBroon · 10
That's a disgusting review. It's truly sad in this this hypocritical world, where people can be fined 150000+ Canadian dollars for not using the "correct" pronouns , and everyone wants to talk about love and inclusivity, yet the amount of slurs and dissing of my Heavenly Father YaHuWaH Elohiym Most High and anything related to the Bible is astounding. I hope you come to know the everlasting love of our Father YAH Most High and his only begotten son Messiah Yahushua. Shalom — Quantallar · 8
Power Word

I think this might be the only Taboo in the game that I ignore. I like the responsibility to re-test 3 each time the Parley is used as that is a thematic win and doesn't alter the original text too much, but to completely mess with the Customization sheet is a bridge too far for me.

wedgeex · 95
yeah this feels like too far of a readjustment. I suspect it was to curb how much an autowin card it would be for Allesandra but playing with the full taboo feels like it makes the card ao much harder to use and justify now. I'll probably ignore it or atleast just add the willpower check. — phillosmaster · 177
Cleaning Kit

"Okay... okay. We're alive. I gotta calm my nerves. Anything in that flask?"

"Well... technically, yes? But-"


* swig *


"Holy... HELL... tastes like... battery acid... and gasoline!!!"

"Funny you should say that-"

"From now on I'm only drinkin' stuff that's labeled. The Sour Mash ain't empty, right?"

"... Well..."

HanoverFist · 739
I have an emergency cache under the floorboards... — MrGoldbee · 1470

Hmm, This becomes Interesting when you engage and evade an aloof enemy with transmogrify, and the enemy become: "Aloof, Massive, Cannot move".

Does anyone know how to resolve these keywords? I treat this as an enemy that won't engage the investigator automatically, but when an investigator takes an engaged action, every investigator at the same location is considered engaged too.

randyt1027 · 2
I think the massive keyword is leading, since the enemy counts to be engaged with every investigator. Aloof means the enemy didn't engage but there is no engage step. Compare Zoey ability and interaction with massive enemies. — Tharzax · 1
I recommend checking out the mythos busters discord for rules questions, they have a really friendly community and dedicated channel there. But the answer is that an aloof massive enemy cannot be engaged (by the engage action) because of massive. It is treated as engaged with everyone at the location if it is ready, and it is treated as engaged with noone and cannot be attacked if it is exhausted. — NarkasisBroon · 10