Bide Your Time

I think folks should at least consider this card as Bide Your Time rewards those who know when things are going down next round.

For example of things that "are going down next round" include but are not limited to:

Scary/annoying things: Frozen in Fear, Bloodthirsty Spirits, Lost in the Wilds

Acts that force you to wait till the end of the round(s) to spend clues/advance (often due to it spawning the big bad guy/ or a survival scenario).

I'm a combo rouge about to explode all over assuming I'm not about to die. Borrowed Time, Haste, Quick Thinking, The Red-Gloved Man

I got such amazing cards that I would love a "juiced" turn to let me deal with the pulled encounter cards! Delve Too Deep, Drawn to the Flame

Me a heavy weapons Guardian and me see no enemies :(

Reality: Still a weak card pick in the current era mostly due to the fact that Doom thresholds have been getting tighter and tighter. Additionally another downside is that you will likely be too busy to play this card dealing with tasks that punish you hard for putting them off even by one round.

I think this would have been a bit more interesting if they made it draw a card or gain a resource to give you a small bonus for waiting around. I mean Tempt Fate is a "neutral effect" free cycle card for bless/curse decks....

Edit: Tried to fix links. No idea whats up with it looks fine in the preview but doesn't load when published.

McJames · 136
Just a heads up, most of the links in the review are broken. My advice is change the code around "round" to see if that helps clear things up. In terms of the review itself, I agree that Bide Your Time looks like it could be amazing if it lines up right... but the odds of it lining up right are too low to justify including it a lot of the time, especially if you're not a fighter (and could thus be doing something with the 2 actions you spend to play Bide Your Time). — NightgauntTaxiService · 430
Links are good now. — NightgauntTaxiService · 430
Decks with Will to Survive might be tempted to throw this in late to max out that benefit and skip the chaos bag even more. Not sure it’s worth the card slot, but it’s tempting — An_Undecayed_Whately · 1267
Double Double will turn a profit of +1 action. Then again, that's what Double Double more or less ALWAYS does, so... — HanoverFist · 740
Missing in the list: "I am Amanda (and drew my weakness)." — AlderSign · 310
Out of Body Experience

It doesn't seems like much but it can be a horrible weakness capable of wasting dozens of card draw on deck w/ 1 by 1 draw.

PS : can someone say if the weakness is intended to be put in the encounter deck in 'the city of archives' setup ?

Tof · 1
I agree with your review that this can be rough. It steals a lot of draws. No, you don’t put this in the encounter deck for City of Archives. — Holy Outlaw · 269
Official ruling: Is it an omission from the setup instructions that you are meant to set aside the out of body experience weaknesses? …Yes. Although I don’t know what else you would do with it considering it has a player card back and there is no instruction telling you to insert it in your deck. But that is a good point; I will see about adding it in the next reprint. Thanks! Cheers, Matthew Newman. — Jacksonsu · 1
Jim Culver

Do not leave home without Alyssa Graham. On top of being sanity soak for the stupid amount of horror that Jim's own deck throws at him, her ability works on "any player deck". That is to say, she can look for and discard Vengeful Shade before it even comes out. Even if you can't clear the doom in time, it's probably preferable to spawning the shade.

CombStranger · 269
I'm not not sure if one doom is beter than dealing with the shade itself, which is just 2 health and you can deal with it without testing against it's 5 combat. But I like the idea of using Alyssa as a basis for your/other's deck (though she doesn't discard the card, but put it in the bottom of the deck). The strategy to handle with the doom must be there, aside from reaching the 5 allies threshold. — joster · 40
Fine Clothes

With the release of Hemlock Vale and the influx of good parley cards, this has been transformed from a hopelessly conditional card to enabler of an entire archetype. Obviously, Alessandra Zorzi plays 2 of this card in every deck, but any rogue can use the parley suite to decent success - Trish in particular loves tools like Existential Riddle. Bianca becomes much more forgiving, Drain Essence can remove a small enemy while healing you, and resolving an entire Vamp for free is always fun. Perhaps most importantly, anyone wanting to run the newly-taboo'd Power Word now needs the proper outfit to command their ghoul army. On top of all that, it will still help you with everything it used to - recruiting Lita, rescuing your friends, trivialising The Last King etc. Expect to see much more silk in investigators' arsenals from now on.

beenary · 3
Trivialising The Last King? They TELL YOU to wear nice clothes! — MrGoldbee · 1472
I hesitate to call it "hopelessly conditional." At worst, Fine Clothes serves as 1 cost 1/1 soak. — NightgauntTaxiService · 430
This card influences the design of other cards a lot. If they don't want the Parley test to be near-testless with FC, they have to raise the difficulty to 3. I would say, without FC, the printed difficulty of cards like "Pesuasion", "Interrogate", "Vamp" (0) or the taboo'd "Power Word" would be 1 or 2. — Susumu · 371
Pelt Shipment

How this card interact with a backpack? Its a supply card so it can be attached to backpack... however as it has no cost, it cannot be played. I guess i cannot just draw that card from a backpack (for a action) right ať the end of the game... and cards in the backpack are not considered to be in the hand...

You are right. You would have to get rid of Backpack first and then fetch Pelt Shipment from your discard pile (which is not that hard with certain cards). — AlderSign · 310
Or You can simply don't put Pelt Shipment under backpack from its research and draw it "manually"!! :-) — Piegura · 7
As AlderSign says, attaching it is usually sadness. As Piegura says, you can always not attach it. But beware, the rules say that when searching for one or more things, you have to find something if there is something ot be found. So if a Pelt Shipment is the only legal candidate you see, to put in your backpack, you must put it there. — RichardPlunkett · 12