Resurgent Evils

No reviews of this card? Preposterous!

This is a type of card I like seeing in AH LCG, and it almost makes me sad that it's stuck in its role as "a replacement encounter set in Return to Dunwich" instead of it being a straight up upgrade/replacement of Ancient Evils, one of the most annoying and omnipresent encounter sets of the entire game.

Ancient Evils just hits you with a Doom and possibly advances the Agenda, that's it. Such as it is, it's.. fine. It messes up the timer, it keeps you on your toes, but doesn't have any direct negative impact on you. However the lack of any agency in resolving it means that with higher player counts (or simply unfortunate clumping) sometimes the Agenda will just surge forward and sabotage the scenario which can feel a bit unsatisfying. Essex County Express is one of the more notorious examples of this (and possible direct inspiration for Resurgent Evils), since the breakneck pace of the scenario coupled with a relatively thin encounter deck means 3-4 players will in disproportionately large ratio of games have AE finish the scenario early without the players having any tools to stop this from happening.

Resurgent Evils is simply Ancient Evils with agency. You can stop that Doom being added.. at the cost of drawing two more Encounter cards. This doesn't take out the bite of Ancient Evils, but it enables players to dampen its impact. I've seen games where the choice of 2 Encounter cards saved the game, and I've seen games where it turned possible unfortunate timing of Doom into an absolute catastrophy and mayhem. But in any case, players are not passive sufferers but have active involvement in their fate, which makes a world of difference.

I highly suggest considering using this card whenever a scenario calls for Ancient Evils (and sooooo many of them are). Maybe the difficulty will be slightly lowered, but the payoff is definitely worth it.

ratnip · 67
My group shuffles these with ancient evils and adds 3 of that pile to the enc deck — Django · 5093
“It adds agency” and it also removes the ability for another player to block it with Ward of Protection 2 (or similar). — Death by Chocolate · 1473
So I wouldn’t call it a ‘straight upgrade — Death by Chocolate · 1473
I think thu — NarkasisBroon · 10
I think this, and its counterpart delusory evils, dramatically decrease the difficulty of most scenarios. The reason being that neither optional effect punishes you as much as a doom at the wrong moment. The fact that you know you can always avoid unexpected doom if you need to makes the game way less risky and less likely to kill you at unexpected moments. — NarkasisBroon · 10
Stand Together

Call me basic, but this is probably my favorite card in the game.

About a year ago, my group started playing single faction campaigns (all investigators are same faction). Now, Stand Together was already a pretty good card, but hoo boy - if everyone on your team is packing two copies, its power is amplified significantly. All four of us (Roland, Zoey, Mark, and Carolyn) spent our first 6XP from the Dunwich campiagn (Expert) on this card and never looked back.

This card is always helpful - and it's especially great on turn 1, as others have noted. But it's downright bonkers when you get to be the player of this card AND the beneficiary of a teammate's play of this card in the same round. If you are playing multiple Guardians, and whole team mulligans hard for this card, it's fairly common for everyone to have get a copy in their opening hand. You can increase your odds even further once you have Stick to the Plan in play to thin your deck (more on this in a minute). And of course, even if your teammates don't find it in their initial draw, you might be able to help them fish it out with your own play of Stand Together - teamwork makes the dream work!

If your whole team plays this on turn 1, then the net result is that each investigator spends one action to start the game with 8 cards and 9 resources (except for the Lead investigator, who will get their payoff from whoever takes their turn last). For our resource-hungry Guardians, this is a great way to hit the ground running.

Probably the most noteworthy combo is with Ever Vigilant. After a few scenarios, you'll likely have it tucked away under Stick to the Plan, but even before that, you'll have a reasonable chance of drawing it, even if you only have one copy. With all of the extra cards and resources at your disposal, it's much easier to maximize its efficiency as you are much more likely to have three playable assets in your hand. There's nothing quite as satisfying as having your Seeker-focused Roland play Dr. Milan Christopher, Flashlight, and Magnifying Glass for four resources with one action. After Zoey and Mark are similarly set up, you'll almost feel sorry for any enemy unlucky enough to spawn at your location. Almost.

Another benefit to such early drawing is that a lot of Guardians like to draw their weaknesses as early as possible early, and this opening gambit helps you make that happen.

Sometimes it's just about the simple things.

bricklebrite · 518
I like this card too. My main qualm is that Paranoia and Amnesia interact very painfully here, if either of the two investigators has it. — CaiusDrewart · 3170
I like the theme, artwork and effect, but I only get this at the end of the campaign if I have excess XP — Alogon · 1125
I do like this card a lot, but 3XP prices this card just out of "auto-include" range to "semi-luxury". Especially as you'll want 2 of, 6XP is a lot to invest when there are things like Beat Cop and a big power weapon and Stick to the Plan, etc, to save for. I would love this card soo much more at 2XP. This usually ends up being a mid-to-late game campaign add for me. — c-hung · 12
I honestly think putting the cost down to 2 XP is asking too much. The balancing is fine for the huge benefits that have been pointed out already. — AlderSign · 300

What’s up with the card art. Looks like a photo of some cosplayers. I also saw this in the Arkham Horror Third Edition’s latest explanation set. In my opinion the art for this card breaks the immersion. Anyone else agree?

Michaeled · 5
The art is a pickpocket that, well, pickpocketing the lady in front of him. You can see his hand on her bag. — ak45 · 463
I agree that the art is horrible, which is too bad - it's a very well designed card otherwise. — ratnip · 67
Alice Luxley

A nice fit for cluever version Carolyn Fern, who is limited to 15 seeker/mystic 0-1 cards and has lots to choose from there. So Milan Christopher is a tough fit anyway (especially in multiplayer where a dedicated seeker might get him), and really, Alice Luxley is a better match for her. One more damage soak and helps pick away at enemies big or small while she's out getting clues. Early on she might be stapled to another investigator too, so while the other investigator is fighting the enemy, Carolyn can chip in a damage by investigating at the location then healing horror off the investigator afterward. Nice add to the guardian deck.

Krysmopompas · 360
I think remote investigation can work in 1-2 player if you also use stuff to add secrets, like "Truth from Fiction" and "Enraptured". Also remember that "deduction" gets remote clues with "In the Know". On the other hand in 3-4 player, the required clues to win sometimes can be 20 over a scenario so some "open gates" with "shortcuts" (2) and "Pathfinders" (1) are much more effective (these also help the fighters to take out rogue cultists). — Django · 5093
Ignore my last comment, it was for another card (In the know). — Django · 5093
I'll just Deny the Existence of that comment, Django. — CaiusDrewart · 3170
The upcoming Field Agent is goin to make her a great fit for a charismatic Carolyn (and which Carolyn doesn't want more allies?). — Findanniin · 1
Posted too soon: An aditional +1 to Lore will free up her hand slots, and the ability to take horror to autoclue makes Alice auto-damage. And this is something Carolyn could do turn after turn after turn. — Findanniin · 1
In the Know

In the Know is part of a suite of cards that I call 'remote investigation' cards, with Seeking Answers, Deciphered Reality, Connect the Dots, Interrogate, Sixth Sense (and it's upgrade), Intel Report, and Pendant of the Queen rounding out the rest of the suite. An obvious trait ties all these cards together; the ability to discover clues that are in a different location for where you are.

The advantages of remote investigation are threefold: first, you get to enjoy extra actions in your turn that would otherwise be used to move. This can significantly increase your action efficiency, as you avoid situations like:

  • Having to double back if there is an end location that you need to reach and clues have been left behind.
  • Having to move into and out of a dead-end for clues.
  • Having to move into the range of enemies, or having to wait until your resident guardian clears out the room for you.
  • Having to deal with difficult to move into, difficult to move out of, or just impassable locations specific to the scenario.
  • Having to move back into the location your were investigating because you were forced out of it by a scenario card.

Second, you get to keep the location with the resign action (if it exists) close at hand. Some scenarios require you to resign as an objective, and sometimes you botch the scenario and want to resign to avoid trauma. Remote investigation allows you to plant yourself at the exit and significantly reduce your risk of involuntary defeat.

Third, it makes the job of whoever's protecting you easier, as you aren't inclined to run off and get into trouble, you damsel-in-distress you. This is especially true if your party runs cards like Barricade (and it's Upgrade), Hiding Spot, Ambush, and Snare Trap.

Is it possible to build a deck themed around remote investigation? Obviously Luke Robinson's entire shtick is remote investigation (or remote anything really), but his ability is a replacement for cards like In the Know, rather than a compliment. Other than him, there are really too few cards with too few charges, spread over too many classes to feasibly build this archetype, yet. Until more remote investigation cards are printed, the likes of In the Know will remain a tech card, otherwise known as your 31st card, maybe taken when you have 1xp to spare, or in a solo campaign, where the few uses are less of a problem.

Lucaxiom · 4459
I think remote investigation can work in 1-2 player if you also use stuff to add secrets, like "Truth from Fiction" and "Enraptured". Also remember that "deduction" gets remote clues with "In the Know". On the other hand in 3-4 player, the required clues to win sometimes can be 20 over a scenario so some "open gates" with "shortcuts" (2) and "Pathfinders" (1) are much more effective (these also help the fighters to take out rogue cultists). — Django · 5093
I have a query regarding the "as if you were there" section. — Cake8ter · 1
I have a query regarding the "as if you were there" section. If you are in the middle of investigating another location, during the lightning window, could you play a fast card (open gate for example) to place the affects at this other location? Are you deemed at this location until the resolution of your test? — Cake8ter · 1
I think it is "as if" you were there for the duration of the investigation, so playing Open Gate during one of those player windows should place the Open Gate there, rather than at your (actual) location. However, we really need an official clarification on "as if" to be sure. — Yenreb · 15
Thinking it through a bit more, if it is "as if" you were there for all purposes, not just for the purpose of the investigation itself, this would open up things like Shortcutting to an adjacent location, and ready, unengaged enemies there (without Massive or aloof) should engage you, etc. All of this seems far beyond the intended function of the card. So I'm backing up to thinking it's only "as if" you were there for the purpose of the action itself. Open Gate would go to your actual location. But again: we really need an official clarification to be sure. — Yenreb · 15