Take Heart

An incredible card when teamed up with my current investigator: "Ashcan" Pete. He often gets a free test he doesn't care about when Duke takes him off to go off investigating at other locations. (When he uses the Duke investigate action to move to another location and investigate, he is effectively using one action to "move", but if there are no clues there, he still investigates, and only minds failing if there is a nasty chaos token - he's just indulging his trusty dog, who's going off sniffing around the place.)

It is especially strong when teamed up with a few more survivor cards, such as one or two Drawing Thin, to "improve" the chances of failure, by making the test 2 or 4 steps more difficult of the test, and add further economy to a test that effectively didn't even cost an action. I love the way it turns the game on its head and you really don't want to draw an elder sign, in case you waste your card.

On top of that, that you can use it with the upgraded Grisly Totem to return Take Heart to your hand afterwards, and do the same thing again next round!!

I'm currently playing my (non-taboo) "Ashcan" Pete deck and have just upgraded my Grisly Totem. Together with Rabbit's Foot; Relic Hunter, and two Drawing Thin. I'm looking forward to getting them all out, using a "free" action to investigate and deliberately fail. If i get it right, for the cost of exhausting a few assets and moving, I'd get 6 resources(2 from each Drawing Thin, 2 from Take Heart, draw 3 cards and get Take Heart back into my hand. (or using the other choice for Drawing Thin, gain 2 resources, draw 5 cards and get Take Heart back).

Do that combo for a couple of turns in a row and your hand is full of cards, with resources worthy of a rogue, ready to boost the skill checks you want to succeed with Scrapper; Fire Axe; Plucky or Dig Deep; and all those lovely skill cards you just drew.

Phoenixbadger · 198
Duke exhausts to investigate, just like he does to fight. Why are you wasting Duke's investigate on just moving, rather than moving first and then Duking it to a location you do want to investigate? Or if you don't want to investigate, save Duke for a fight. — TheNameWasTaken · 3
you don't always need to fight or investigate, early in the game you might want to play cards, late in each scenario you are often moving around with clues already hoovered up or no longer relevant. Sure if you anticipate a fight, then don't play take heart. If you need it then use it, but if you don't need it, then it is a free test that you don't mind failing. Its like having track shoes and not needing to move two spaces - its an opportunity to fail a free test and benefit from Take heart and Drawing Thin. — Phoenixbadger · 198
Garrote Wire

Since nobody has said it yet. It's good.

If you do fighting, this is a good card. Free fights on small things like Swarm of Rats and Acolyte, finish off a tricky numbered enemy such as the Ravenous Ghoul if your weapon deals 2 damage per hit or the Icy Ghoul if your weapon deals 3 damage per hit.

Delilah O'Rourke is a very obvious combo. Between a successful evade, spending money on Delilah and the Garrote Wire you can do 3 damage every round, which will see you through most enemies in several campaigns, no other weapons needed.

Characters with extra actions really make this thing shine, but a decent stat is required, right now Finn Edwards, "Skids" O'Toole and Tony Morgan all go real fast with decent or good fight values, Winifred Habbamock can play a similar game but with a bit less synergy. It's also surprisingly useful for Leo Anderson who'se damage ping strategy with Beat Cop play's well into a Garrote Wire.

Tsuruki23 · 2553
Could save a lot of ammo on all those big guns on small targets — Django · 5108
It can save you ammo, and also actions — Zinjanthropus · 229
Empty Vessel

Manicly good and a natural supplement/upgrade to Hallowed Mirror. Requires some build-around.

Getting the charges is a bit of work, but is'nt a terrible challenge for a focused combatant character (like characters usually are). Once the charges are ready the ability to negate very bad tokens makes the character better at literally everything! In one go you can resist a treachery and heal pain, prevent a missed attack and heal, safely pull up a clue and -heal-!

When the Empty Vessel is charged and you swap for Wish Eater it opens a big window of power where attacks get more accurate, tests and treacheries get easier to beat and your pain literally flies away. The benefits make the commitment worth it.

A little groundwork and item teck is required to make it easier to find the Empty Vessel early enough to get the charges, a friendly with a No Stone Unturned, a Tetsuo Mori. Generally the cards you need to make a Empty Vessel shine are good anyway.

Once the Empty Vessel is on the table and charged you need to carefully consider when to swap it. Some scenarios have enough enemies running around that you can get it transformed twice, other times you would save up 3 or 4 charges to do the one and only swap of the scenario. Do note that the swap trigger is Fast and not locked into your turn, so you can rest easy with 3+ charges until right when you need the help.

Finally: Akachi Onyele can use it and it, works, gooood for her. She really needs Relic Hunter to make it work but oh BOY, a combat specialized Akachi Onyele with Wish Eater can bulldoze through fights.

Tsuruki23 · 2553
This card is hard to sell. The only noteworthy effect is the token cancellation, and I only see that being relevant in rare occasions. If there is a treachery that is very bad for you and/or if there is a very nasty token maybe this would help...but in that case you would have to somehow draw this early, kill 3 enemies, then during the window this is charged you have to draw the very bad treachery and/or the bad chaos token. Even in a search deck/comp this is bad, since there are better search targets than this...like your main weapon or any other good combo cards. Situational, hard to draw (limit 1 copy), mediocre effect, costly (4xp)... — Alogon · 1125
Backpack could help you find this and your weapon — Django · 5108
I think you're underestimating the value of the healing. I had this in Akachi and would find myself hoping for the nasty tokens, so I could cancel them for healing. Coupled with cancelling the token = it wasn't drawn= no nasty side effects from spells (like 2 horror from Shriveling V?) and that's some real value — Yenreb · 15
I agree, the combo with "Shrivelling" (5) is great in Akachi. It's almost a "Deny Existence" (5) on a stick, that works with spell side effects rather than encounter cards. I recommend "Decorated Skull" (3) (and of course "Relic Hunter") on her to make finding the vessel more likely. — Susumu · 371
Mind over Matter

Brilliant, Brilliant, Brilliant!

The mechanical change of supplementing your and instead of replacing them means that people with already good or can now use it too.

A Roland or Joe can use this card to gain monstrous efficiency for a round (7 or more -before- adding weapon bonuses!), AND the card replaces itself too. Frankly I wont hesitate to say this thing is an autotake, especially on hard difficulties where staying ahead of the token bag gets very expensive. If you have level 2 access and fight with weapons, you want this card in your deck.

For non combative characters (I.E most folks) this thing is mostly a means to duck out of combat, which is not always worth the slot and XP over just taking a copy of Manual Dexterity. It's still worth looking at for big multiplayer groups for characters who can net 8+ and pull themselves or others out of a pile of enemies.

For an interesting left-field combo you can run Mind Over Matter with Strange Solution to get a full round of 3 damage attacks made at 10+.

Good, versatile, card.

Tsuruki23 · 2553
I hadn't thought about the Guardian/Seekers, this would be extremely good for them. As for Strange Solution, that's already an incredible Joe card, he could just demolish a boss with that combo. Good stuff. — Zinjanthropus · 229
Spiritual Resolve

The ultimate tank card.

A fast draw deck that can find it and heal it quick will be walking through fire without a scratch! It's cheap and therefore usable by money starved characters like Roland Banks and Mark Harrigan, Zoey is also good with it.

This card is a steal for 5 XP.

Right now this card has just one "just right" fit, in Mark Harrigan who'se ability to draw very fast and need for both horror and health tanks line up to make this a core part of a mid-high level Mark Harrigan deck. It's a fine method to make every character reasonably tanky without breaking the bank.

Tommy Muldoon seems like he might want this card but really, his abilities dont line up with it, his draw is too slow and his card slots are already commited to other cards that align with his ability better. It's better to put the xp into Charisma and play beefy allies who will net you similar tank volume and some useful mechanics while they're at it too.

Tsuruki23 · 2553
Why wouldn't Tommy just allow this card to be defeated instead of using the free action discard to heal the damage? It would cost 3R and an action to play the next one but he would be making a profit from the first one being defeated. — The Lynx · 980
He could, or he could get more value from other tank cards that he wants to fill his deck with. — Tsuruki23 · 2553
Don't most of those other better tank cards occupy contested slots though? — The Lynx · 980
@TWWaterfalls They do, but when you're using beat cop, BroX, or agency backup, you can expect those slots to open back up sooner rather than later. Even if you want the fight boost from beat cop forever, you can just take charisma and give yourself more of those contested slots. I'm not saying (and I don't think Tsuruki 23 is saying this either) that it's wrong if you take this as Tommy, we just think there are better uses for your deck slots. I don't think anyone's going to say that 18 soak for 5xp, in an uncontested slot, isn't good. — SGPrometheus · 821
Ill add a bit more clarity to the review. — Tsuruki23 · 2553
I just disagree with Tommy not wanting this. You dont use the healing ability on it, but the fact that his draw is poor actually makes this- a 3 of for only 5xp- more attractive, not less. And of course it doesnt take any contested slots. This is a great Tommy card. — StyxTBeuford · 13028