Runic Axe

Having played with the Runic Axe now I must say do not underestimate the Inscription of the Hunt. I bought it just because my initial plan of Glory, Elders, Ancient Power and Scriptweaver totalled to 9 and I didn't think I'd need the Heirloom discount but it massively overperformed. Free engages on Aloof enemies is obviously nice and getting to move into a location of enemies and still getting to make 3 attacks was great but what surprised me was how often I just wanted to move whilst engaged with an enemy, Walking the enemy to locations with clues on them let the Inscription of Elders proc more often and just let me continue moving towards the current objective whilst enemies tried to bog us down.

Yrevnoc · 84
I had a similar experience, adding Hunt caused the value to skyrocket. You can squeeze so many bonus actions while still reliably dealing damage. — Pseudo Nymh · 61
Narrow Shaft

Sefina Rousseau got engaged by a Ghoul Minion in the Narrow Shaft . Her agility is not that low but if we got more monster via it would be very big problem. With decisive eyes she takes her step onto the monster shoulder and climbs. Her real aim is not the open above but a secret side Narrow Escape path. Vile monster shocked and failed the opportunity to attack her at close range but still quickly climb and follow her to the next chamber out of frustration. She not completely lost it yet.

One of my favorite Arkham moments

Pawley · 30
Rex Murphy

Rex was already A tier, but he bumps towards high A/S with scarlet keys just because of that passive.

Remember that concealed cards can be discovered by also discovering a clue at a location. Card effects like dynamite that damage everything at a location for free can expose (although can only expose 1), so other card effects that instead discover clues can also expose instead (effects like Working a Hunch, Deduction and Pendant of the Queen can expose concealment).

The wording on Rex's ability then also allows him to expose a conceal, while doing what he would normally be doing anyway. This gives him a nice tempo boost, especially in TSK where the timers are quite short.

Overall, once a good gator, always a good gator.

drjones87 · 193
Butterfly Swords

Has an amusing interaction with Lifeline, a combo which currently only Tommy can use (and who would never want to run butterfly knives). You can swing six times in a round, fail all of them, get six additional actions, and swing twelve more times. Throw in Keen Eye for the comeback round.

CombStranger · 269
It'd be so funny to just miss 12 whole attacks though. — toastsushi · 74
Why miss 12 attacks when you can miss 18? — suika · 9483
Gift of Madness

Like Hastur's Gaze, potentially game-ending if the stars align. If this ends up in your hand and there are no Monster enemies left set aside, it'll stick around forever, and prevent you from triggering abilities on locations... like, say, the Resign ability on Garden added by No Asylum. Probably unintentional, but still devastating, especially given the "Investigator Defeat" resolution nastiness.

Aside from that, surprisingly gentle; yes, not being able to help the party complete the 4 tasks needed to advance Act 3 is troublesome, but there are still things you can do with your turn, even if you never discard this (until you need to resign). For example, you could kill The Man in the Pallid Mask, who really seems to like spawning in Garden, preventing you from being able to resign until he's exhausted...

Does it work like that ? There's no "then" in the text nor a colon after the "monster-under-act-deck" part , so I don't see why the discard-this-card part would be dependent on successfully resolving the monster-under-the-act-deck part. If there are no monsters left, can't you just spend your action, try and fail to put a monster under the act deck and then discard the card? — bee123 · 31
Yeah, there's no 'then' or colon, so the second part of the effect isn't dependant on the first as either cost or effect, but you have to resolve it if you can. You can literally just wait until you get to the garden then toss it, if other people are doing the other actions on locations. — SSW · 213
Oh. I thought that the "monster-under-act-deck" was part of the card's cost, so you needed to pay it in order for the rest of it to resolve. Just how badly have I misread this thing? — NightgauntTaxiService · 430
You can't get yourself into a position where it sticks around forever , that's all xD I made the same mistake the first time I read it fwiw. It's the precise card that taught me to look ***very carefully*** for colons in encounter cards in future cycles. — bee123 · 31
I like how the exact same thing was brought up in the other version of Gift of Madness. — toastsushi · 74