Ghastly Possession

You can doom not just physical items but any kind of Asset, like Spell Asset that tends to have a skill test on them. While this sounds strange, TSK did come with cards that help getting rid of "doomed Spell" such as Explosive Ward or Uncage the Soul (3).

5argon · 10702
A fun pick in Silas. — MrGoldbee · 1470
I am wondering, if it is possible to actually take back this skill with Silas and still benefit from some lasting effect. If I interpreted the rules correctly, that should be possible, should it not? 'After you commit' means, you will create a lasting effect and it will take effect, even if Silas uses his ability. Would be neat as this would mean, he can actually 'recharge' chainsaw to a certain extent. — capu0000 · 1
Not possible the way you suggest (see FAQ). BUT it's a powerful commit for all-in tests on his signature assets (which you can take back to your hand to get rid of the doom). — AlderSign · 309
Amina Zidane

Tldr Amina is a bad version of Marie.

Full review...

Base stats Taking a squared stat line of her (square all stats and add together, which imo is a more accurate estimation of min/max potential) she's a 36, whereas Marie is at a 43. Marie is hence the winner.

Playstyle They both play a high risk game with doom on investigator assets. Amina reduces card cost, while Marie gets bonus actions for having any card with doom. Since you can take blood pact at level zero, Marie wins and her passive will see far more use.

Deckbuilding Amina takes charms, which are rather useless. Mystics already have contested spots for charms, and this just adds off class options to her that ultimately don't improve her basic abilities... spells.

Signature Assets

Marie can force stop doom from advancing the agenda at any point. If you mess up your doom manipulation, Marie can pardon this. Or you can go heavy doom in a witching hour, and then play her signature go give you another witching hour turn, risk free.

Amina's signatures just add doom to play all the time. Since she can't really cast meaningful spells with a 3 in charisma, it's not clear these assets do her any favors.


Baron Samedi is actually an asset for Marie in that he can proc her passive at any time. He can force the agenda to advance, but only if you mess the math up.

Deafening Silence on the other hand can make all the accumulated doom add up, immediately. It's like Cursed Memory, but worse.

Overall Rank: C.

Amina tries to fill a niche other mystics have already perfected. Although she can be effective, pretty much everything she can do can be done by Marie, better.

drjones87 · 193
I think there's a couple points in your review that are unfair to her, but don't get wrong, I agree that she's pretty much useless. You can't try to play her like your average Mystic and just pump your Will, and I think that's what they were going for with her 1.) statline 2.) new doom-focused tools, and 3.) access to charms. All of those allow her to buff and test her NON-Will stats as needed. However, for all the doom she's constantly playing around with, she accomplishes disappointingly little. The resources she saves don't really have anywhere to go to give her the edge she needs (unlike Jenny Barnes whose card pool 100% enables that), and Marie Lambeau plays the same doom game with greater rewards, honestly (extra actions are nice). So yea, Amina feels like she may have worked if she was, like, one of the first five investigators of the game, but even then she would quickly be outclassed by gators who DON'T play with doom. — TheDoc37 · 468
They tried to make Amina more playable by including Elle in the set. Unfortunately it just makes Marie so much better. Stick a 1 Doom Abyssal Tome under Elle for a +3/+1 attack every round to proc her extra action for the rest of the game without affecting the Agenda. There's no comparison and with the recent Taboo boost for Lola, I think Marie is now the worst investigator in the game. — MindControlMouse · 43
Shed a Light

OP card. As an first impression, Shed a Light seems to be similar as Exploit Weakness, and both have powerful effect but seems to be hard to play. However, in the game, reducing shroud value of the location is one of the main mechanism beginning with Flashlight, but reducing fight/evade value is not. In general, making 0 difficulty investigation is much easier than that of fight/evade.

Moreover, unlike Exploit Weakness, Shed a Light has good combo parts. We can play 2 Shed a Light (with Double, Double) at ONE investigation to discover total 5 clues (3 from here, 2 from any). We cannot play 2 Exploit Weakness at ONE fight/evade even aganist elite enemy because the second copy has no normal effect to replace which is already replaced by first one. In addition, auto-succcess guarantee you can trigger "succeed by (your )" abilites, such as Scavenging. With proper tool, you can trigger Scavenging robustly, regardless of your stat.

Here are some useful cards to reduce difficulty for investigation:

elkeinkrad · 497
Breach the Door too. — MrGoldbee · 1470
Also Arcane Insight — 5argon · 10702
You can combo this card even further with Deductions/Sharp Vision, and Winging it too — toastsushi · 74
Otherworldly Compass has been overlooked here... it uses up a precious hand slot but it's an asset that doesn't rely on charges — An_Undecayed_Whately · 1264
any ideas on if Augur can be be used with shed a light? — mljwx · 1
Breach the Door

This card can reduce a shroud to zero. This means it can be used by a guardian with no enemies to make it to where even ones like Daniela can safely investigate even high shroud locations. It's also thematic. Frustrated you're dumb with an INT of 1? Just break everything.

It does get outplayed by other guardian abilities (lessons learned, evidence) once upgrades are available, but its a decent level 0 mid-tier card.

drjones87 · 193
I actually don't think it gets one upped by other higher level cards like lesson learned and evidence. The functionality is very different, as its not a burst clue effect, its an effect that lets you solo a location of clues, which in 4 player is a titanic upgrade for guardian clue power, and in some scenarios it absolutely will save the day even if other people are helping.. — dezzmont · 218
Making Preparations

"Until the end of investigation phase" while this is drawn in Upkeep Phase means the 2 boosted skills and 2 reduced skills could be tested in Mythos Phase, before you can start using boosted skills in Investigation Phase.

5argon · 10702