Jeremiah Kirby

Many of the excellent reviews compare J.K. to Dr. Milan Christopher, but it's also helpful to consider J.K. in comparison to a different card - the humble Laboratory Assistant.


  • draw cards when played
  • Seeker
  • icon for skill tests
  • Ally
  • Miskatonic (so most investigators can have loads of ally slots, thanks to Miskatonic Archaeology Funding)
  • even cost

Laboratory Assistant advantages

  • costs less
  • 2 sanity
  • increases hand size by 2
  • 0 xp (versus 2 with the new taboo for J.K.)
  • Science

Jeremiah Kirby advantages

  • 2 health
  • +1
  • draws more cards, probably
    • never, ever draws weaknesses
  • Wayfarer

They're curiously similar cards in that they front load most of their benefit to the time they're played. That makes them particularly attractive with cards that trampoline them:

Has anyone tried all these in a deck together? I'm considering it.

MrWeasely · 42
Kirby can draw weaknesses, Dark Pact, the Devil, the Tower, Clasp of Black Onyx, some gator specific ones though admittedly only gators that would have to versatile for kirby — NarkasisBroon · 10
Pay your due, Underprepared, Quantum Paradox — NarkasisBroon · 10
This card is game-breaking when played from Hit and Run. — Horo · 43
Wouldn't the "reveal the top 5 cards of your deck" part of his wording cause any treachery weakness to be triggered ? — aurchen · 2
@aurchen Revelation abilities trigger specifically when the card is drawn (rulebook p.18). It does not trigger when the card is "revealed" even though the wording would suggest so. It's not particularly intuitive. — snacc · 995
Ever Vigilant

The team play feature is not just good for sharing the love of assets, but also allow others taking the play quota to skip Attack of Opportunity when playing those assets. Making this a great card for soak, Firearm, Spell users looking to refresh Asset even while in the mess of fighting. (The one who take play action to play Ever Vigilant (4) does have to deal with one AoO.)

If you are coming to rescue someone from enemies, you might not even have to engage it or risk friendly-fire. Instead just play this card. They might have just the asset that help dealing/evading that enemy on hand, only if they are Fast... well Ever Vigilant (4) is going to grant them that dream. It's like an uber-one-off-Fence comes flying to them : Works with all traits, no setup, and get both Fast and -1 discount! This allow team to recover from unlucky setup turns and make a come back even if enemies are already sticking in their threat area.

Since this card is looking to be the strongest at the start of scenario where you are all together, you may wish to communicate if you managed to mulligan into this card or not to influence mulligan decision of the other players in your party. (Or use Stick to the Plan)

Mulligan occurs in player order, the with this card as the lead may allow more efficient setup. Especially that it is "4 assets in total" as a group, you need to talk about how you share this quota. Below are relevant rules for reference.

Appendix III: Setting Up The Game

  • ...
  • Choose one of those investigators to be the lead investigator for this game.
  • ...
  • Draw opening hands. Each player draws 5 cards. Each player, in player order, may mulligan once at this time.
  • ...

In Player Order

If the players are instructed to perform a sequence "in player order," the lead investigator performs his or her part of the sequence first, followed by the other players in clockwise order. The phrase "the next player" is used in this context to refer to the next player (clockwise) to act in player order.

5argon · 10730
That's good and fine, but would you really like to mulligan for this card? You would need a second copy, which is just 2 XP cheaper than a "Stick to the Plan", and gives you much less than that. I think, in most cases, you will just get 1 copy of level 1 EV+SttP, then upgrade it to level 4 afterwards. It is a great upgrade, for sure. Even the level 1 version gets sometimes played for only 2 play action, say you want to get Beat Cop and Machete online without a resource action, and don't have an additional asset, that cost 0 or 1 in hand. This makes it a given, that no potential of the card gets wasted, at least in multiplayer. — Susumu · 371
Of course, things might change, if they ever come up with an investigator, that can take up to level 4 Guardian events (or Tactics), but no level 3 Guardian assets, but for now (unlike the level 1 EV obviously), nobody can take this card and not SttP as well. — Susumu · 371
Also conflicts with digging for your weapons, or if your really looking to run support focused Stand Together. Definitely a good card but I think if you take it your taking it specifically because your team benefits from 100% knowing it will be there for rollout. — dezzmont · 218
Carolyn can SttP and not take this, actually. Which is a real shame. — Lailah · 1
And now here we are with Parallel Pete! L0 Guardian, L4 Tactics. The first who can take this but not SttP, and therefore might consider 2 of them! ... And I don't think he really wants to, since he's all about events and already has money for days. He needs draw a lot more than he needs actions or cash. But he IS a monster hunter, he does need some assets, and in a 4P could do some nice favors for people by playing this, so who knows? — HanoverFist · 739
Lt. Wilson Stewart

The "new" double-attribute based skill cards can make Lt. Wilson Stewart absolutely amazing.

Unlike other skills cards (like Strength in Numbers) which only gain icons while committed, these skill cards all have the added text: "While [Card] is in your hand ... it gains {skill 1} icons equal to {skill 2} and {skill 2} icons equal to {skill 1}"

"From FAQ - A: The abilities on skill cards are only active while they are being committed to a skill test, unless otherwise specified."

With just 4 and 4 , discarding Survey the Area to Lt. Wilson Stewart would draw 4 cards and gain you 4 resources at fast speed.

Daerthalus · 16
Blob has some real gamebreakers. — MrGoldbee · 1470
They don't have those icons in your discard pile, though? — housh · 171
Once a card is discarded, it's no longer in your hand, and doesn't have the additional icons... — fiatluxia · 66
Hmm ... I figured it counted the icons it had in hand since the card was discarded from hand. How would it work if you discarded [Essence of the Dream](/card/06113). The card is set aside instead of being put into the discard pile. — Daerthalus · 16
It's not clear, but we cannot resolve post-then effect since we didn't resolve pre-then effect successfully, IMO. — elkeinkrad · 499
Essence of the Dream is set aside. But we still can count the number of icons on it for the effect. The same is with these cards. Unnless you have some effect that states "when you would discard a card, leave it in your hand instead", I would consider that we count the number of icons in accordance of the actual place where the card is, and the card is in discard pile with no additional icons. — chrome · 59
These double skills definitely don't work with Wilson. They lose all icons the moment they enter your discard pile, and nothing in Wilson's text suggests that you do the counting before the discard. The situation with Essence is not as clear-cut, but I'd lean towards Essence not working with Wilson either. I'm pretty sure the post-then part only goes off if the pre-then part executed exactly as written, with no replacements. But I do have to admit I don't have a specific reference for that in mind. — TheNameWasTaken · 3
Heed the Dream

Ina 3 or 4 player game, this reads a bit like fast, look at 9 or 12 cards from the deck and pick one player to draw the 3/4 of them worst cards (because the cards aren't from your own deck they probably won't be optimal).

It actually compares pretty well even against Black Market (which itself is a very strong card). Compared to black market in a 3-4 investigator multiplayer game...

-Drawing cards is usually better than setting aside to use only for this turn
-Is free, black market costs 1 resource
-You get to look at 9 or 12 cards and pick from those, not just 5

-Drawing this in upkeep phase, you have to decide which pile before the mythos phase (black market happens at investigator phase when you have more info to decide better)
-Removing cards from your deck can rarely cripple your deck if it relies on key cards or combos
-You only get 3 or 4 cards instead of 5
-You cant use other investigator's card for combos

I think I'd play this in a 3 or 4 player game.
In a 1 or 2 player game, black market easily.
Or do both if you can/want, they're both good. More cards means more options, more icons for commit, more passed tests means more wins.

I think a lot of people know this but removing cards from the top of your deck is not usually considered a big detriment because you generally do not know what cards are coming up. As far as you the player is considered, a card removed from the top is the same as a card removed from the bottom, and possibly a card you would have never seen anyways (ignoring decks that cycle quickly).

fates · 54
Everyone draws their own cards from the chosen pile. — Yenreb · 15
Ceremonial Sickle

Seems really weak for a 4xp card (alongside the investigate and evade equivalents), especially compared to the level 0.

Only gives +1 skill value (same as level 0) unless you want to exhaust it. That's not so bad when you combine it with sin eater but then it's a 10exp combo...and you're still only doing 2 damage a hit.

Thats all assuming you want the doom in the first place, if not then it seems like very small payoff for a potentially big risk.

fates · 54
I feel like moving the exhaust to the second option would make it have a better balance better especially against the last two four XP mystic combat options, (Armageddon & Brand) which both are significant upgrades — parkjensen · 1
Plus making it level 4 means Marie can't take it. Can we please get some decent doom cards for Marie already? — Pseudo Nymh · 61
Even if Marie could take this, Abyssal Tome is better for her anyways if she puts it under Elle. — MindControlMouse · 44