Merging Timelines

Finally a treachery to compete with Ancient Evils for most annoying treachery in the game. Have an asset you are trying to get into play but haven't been able to find it? This will make sure you don't have to worry about that anymore.

Waiting for the third card of three aces or easy mark? Just lose all of them and your turn while you're at it.

Absolutely brutal and can completely ruin some characters.

drjones87 · 194
Funny I consider this one of the tamest treacheries in the game, when you don't hoard cards in hand this will very rarely hit more than 1 match, and 1 discard lose 1 action is amazing for a forgotten age treachery. — Zerogrim · 295
Even if you're playing Big Hand you're very unlikely to lose your whole turn. It's a pain to lose Three Aces I agree, but this doesn't damage your or affect your current board position. I played Big AmHanda through FA, and like - I didn't love this Treachery but I wouldn't put it next to Ancient Evils. Most Big Hand Gators are a few turns ahead of the Agenda in the first place. — Maseiken · 1
I totally agree. This card is new in the "Return to"-version of Forgotten Age, and it's one of the worst game design choices I've seen so far in the entire game. Many cards scream for specialized deck-building; it's the heart and the blood of the game. If you depend on one ally (Gloria Goldberg - Alyssa Graham), it's possible you can kiss the campaign goodbye. They could have made it a test. Test something against 5 and lose 1 card in the described way for each point you fail by. Then you would have some agency. But no. It's basically a test against 5, while everybody auto-fails. A "fuck you"-card for everybody who took the time and energy to make a more specialized deck. Or put 10xp into two Runic Axes and lose both with one card. After they demand money for their FA bug fix, one should think it becomes playable. — dling · 1
Lucid Dreaming

If you are cursed with a bad luck stat this is s great card.

First backpack whiffed and didn't find your weapon? Use this and find the other.

Have a double drawing thin build but terrible draw to find it? No problem.

Drew the bad version of an upgraded spell in your deck? Find the good one.

I think the best thing about this card is the consistency. For two exp and an action this becomes any card you want. In a game where building well and early can make all the difference, this provides that.

drjones87 · 194
The problem is that you need to have drawn the other card. In case of combat assets you can usually afford to wait until you draw the other copy and I'd rather have One-Two Punch or Spectral Razor in my deck instead of Lucid Dreaming and spend the action to deal with a problem than search for my second asset. I think that this card has it's own niche as a very specific tech/synergy card that works well to find copies of cards that synergize with themselves (Three Aces, Segment of Onyx, Tony's 38 Long Colt), or to trigger the reaction ability on your Research cards. Also note that this card has no icons, so it becomes a dead draw if you have no search target. — PowLee · 15
Dayana Esperence

With how much the newer scenarios like swarming investigators, there can be only one card for her. Storm of Spirits. Getting three casts of that per encounter is a massive tempo boost especially in campaigns where the enemies are just piled on. Just make sure you run token manipulation or you'll kill yourself.

drjones87 · 194
I agree with the general idea, but 4 for Dayana and 3 for each cast of Storm of Spirits is SUPER expensive. You're going to need to run a lot of money cards to make this work. Point being: it's not something you can just plop into any ole mystic deck. — DjMiniboss · 44
Fingerprint Kit

This card is broken playing off the taboo list btw.

Double or nothing resolves the effects of successful tests twice. As such, using fingerprint kit with double or nothing (on an investigator like Trish for example) nets 4 clues (one for success plus the bonus, one for second success plus bonus).

drjones87 · 194
I think this suggests Double or Nothing is broken more than Fingerprint Kit. — Pseudo Nymh · 61
I think *broken* is a bit strong. FK only has three supplies, with little support to top it up in Rogue/Seeker. — Maseiken · 1
Simply deduction(0) + double or nothing provides 4 clues in a test. If the combo looks too powerful and this combo contains double or nothing, the problem is always double or nothing. That's why double or nothing is forbidden. — elkeinkrad · 499
As others have said, what you are describing is the completely normal use case for Double or Nothing. It interacts with ALL clue/action compression this way. — Death by Chocolate · 1479
This isn't even an especially good combo with Double Double. You get an extra 2 clues in exchange for doubling the difficulty of a test. Deduction (2) is almost always going to out-preform that as its effectively not increasing the difficulty at all to net 2 clues. Double Double only makes any sort of sense when you start really stacking benefits of a passed test, and 'super-test' Seekers already have a stronger tool in the form of Guiding Stones to do that with much fewer moving parts. — dezzmont · 218
Sweeping Kick

Rita, Nathaniel, Calvin, there had been several investigators mentioned, who might be interested in this card, and probably rightfully so. Personally, I got it in Tony playing the "Web of Dreams" campaign, and even though there is no particular synergy with him, I was still very pleased of this card. I think, it might as well be a good card for any investigator, who can take it. With 1 XP and 1 resource, it's reasonable cheap for an event, that can attack for 2 damage and evade even bosses for one action.

However, now that I think of it, there might be somebody else, who gets extra mileage out of this card: Zoey Samaras

If she has her Cross out, she can do one damage while engaging, sweeping kicking disengage it again, dealing another 2 damage. And then in upkeep phase, when the cross and the enemy ready, deal an additional damage to it. That's basically 4 damage in one action, not counting additional damage from Vicious Blow, Beat Cop, what have you. You could also say, this card doubles the damage output of the cross on an enemy without requiring any additional action. (Assuming, you don't fail the test.) Of course, it will exhaust the cross for the complete next round in advance, so you might miss its ability then on some other foe. But it's dubious, if you will even get that new enemy, you could profit from the cross again, so if it saves you a complete action, or 1 point of health on your Beat Cop, etc., that's still a synergy to look out for. Sure, her is not great, she only attacks with a base of 6 on this card, but with some static boost and commits, she certainly has no hard time using it. It's still 1 base skill better than most level 0 weapons, and they are certainly not unplayable for her.

Susumu · 371
Its very good for smoothing out your Combat strategy. Rita is the Queen of this, but generally speaking going for racking n a — Maseiken · 1
*racking up small-middling damage while keeping enemies at arms length is a solid strategy — Maseiken · 1
$3 to use it and the cross twice! — MrGoldbee · 1470
Yes, the fact, that it is so cheap, makes it so powerful. It's half the price of Spectral Razor, which could also do 3 damage. With a different restriction: not against elites, but independend from if the Cross is out. But since elites are the most likely to stand a round vs. Zoey, there is extra value in that even, too. You get a free "Dodge" out of it. (Or even multiples, if the enemy is massive.) — Susumu · 371
(Spectral Razor of course also being a very good Zoey card, due to engagement option and base skill of 8.) — Susumu · 371