Harvey Walters

My man Harvey, finally! The OG of the Arkham universe, ever since his first appearance as a journalist (and eventual Prof) in the original Call of Cthulhu days at Chaosium. Was initially hoping for more of a Norman Withers vibe here, starting as a scholar and ending up as a bad-a** mystic, but this is a very solid, uncompromising seeker who helps pretty much anyone who he comes in contact with. For card draw and surfing through decks, I'd take a course with him anytime. Will consider a real review once we see the cards included in his pack, but for now just have to say, finally good to see you again old friend.

Krysmopompas · 360
In agreement, it's cool to see Harvey still kicking around. I'm enough of a dweeb to be amused that Harvey's got a commendable base Will of 4 when in the character creation walkthrough he was noteworthy (and indeed NAMED, Walters rhymed with "Falters") for his awful POW stat therefore his incredibly low Sanity. — Omnicrom · 4
Ha! Good point on that low POW - oh how our Harvey has grown. — Krysmopompas · 360
Anything You Can Do, Better

All of the signatures in this cycle of intro decks are unique in that they're colored in faction. This means that any cards that care about class type can interact with these. For Stella, presumably you'll be able to grab her sgnature from the discard with Resourceful. For Winifred Habbamock, this happens to be a skill card as well, so Daredevil, a card that as far as I'm aware is the genesis of Wini as a character in this universe, can grab this.

As far as review/analysis goes, what else is there to say? It's six wild icons, which is more than Strange Eons even allows for when you make custom cards. Commit it to a big test where you want to stack some major effects, or use it to soften a really terrible test, the choice is yours (or not, as the case may be with Daredevil).

StyxTBeuford · 13028
Mauser C96

For 4 resources, you get 5 attacks at +1 for two damage. As a baseline, this is better than the .45 Automatic, though with two notable caveats: 's have more baseline fight and therefore don't need as much of a combat boost, and you can't unload round after round into an enemy unless you succeed so well that you would've succeeded by 1 without the Mauser's boost (or, if you do over-succeed and don't need to fight, just gain a small refund of its cost).

The best level 0 weapon in the class up until now is the .41 Derringer, and that card makes the damage conditional on whether or not you needed its boost, which is a way worse risk, so the one thing that makes the Derringer possibly more attractive is the higher boost to fight tests. Rogues almost all have a combat score of 3 (Sef has 2, Preston has 1 and can't take illicit guns anyway, Tony has 5), so a +2 boost instead of +1 is not irrelevant. The key then is to slot this gun in people who want to test really high in their fights. Right now there's two standouts for this: Tony Morgan (who often uses his 5 to profit off of Lucky Cigarette Case and other triggers) and Winifred Habbamock (whose card draw is unmatched in her faction and is geared towards "Succeed by" skill cards as a result). With modest boosting from Delilah O'Rourke or out of faction boosts like Ace of Swords, "Skids" O'Toole could also be quite capable with this weapon. With High Roller almost any Rogue could do it, but especially Jenny Barnes is capable here, especially if she's Well Connected. The resource refund is also not irrelevant to any big money strategy, and I should once again point out the synergy here with Delilah O'Rourke. I'll even shout out Leo Anderson who could easily run this as a net cheaper .45 Automatic and dual wield this with a reliable melee weapon like Enchanted Blade or Machete.

This weapon is a game changer for Rogues. Before it, the Rogue role of "flex" was rather questionable, as they had a notable disadvantage to Guardians as simply being unable to reliably churn out the requisite damage integers (really, 2 per attack is the baseline for a decent fighter). It has, along with some recent Rogue cards (like Delilah), really fleshed out that potential role. And while I'm beyond excited for all the goodies in Winifred's pack, and particularly for Winifred herself, I'm mostly just happy that our boy Tony finally has four weapons worth running at level 0- pay your respects to Kukri now.

StyxTBeuford · 13028
Our boy Tony had no problem running knuckledusters as weapons 5&6 in his deck. Having two good signature guns helped a lot too. That said, I think the Mauser looks good for him, especially in tandem with his personal guns. He can shoot as many times as his tokens allow with the Mauser, and finish off with his personal favorites. — Death by Chocolate · 1473
Twila Katherine Price

Shhhhh. We dont talk about how ridiculously good this card is.

Just put it in your big hoarding deck that started with a 5 investigator, stock up on the best spells in the game and go hog-wild.

You did'nt hear this from me. shhhhhhh.

Disclaimer: She is a cog in an engine decktype that takes a LOT of time setting up and lotsa resources already, make sure you have a lean and focused deck built for getting the engine built ASAP.

Tsuruki23 · 2552
It's too bad she doesn't combo with Seal of the Seventh Sign, as those charges are "removed" and not "spent." Oh well. — SGPrometheus · 821
She is basically the ally that I have always been looking for in Akachi decks (and several other Mystics). Akachi doesn't need Int or WP or any of the other special abilities. Play Arcane Initiate early and then play Twila late. — The Lynx · 980
i used her in my norman scrying/stargazing deck, to be able to scry every round was simply amazing — niklas1meyer · 1
Does this work with True Magick? The timings and "As If" clause has me confused! As well as the word "etc" at the end of True Magick's card text. — joguitarist · 1
I have had a reply from the the FFG rules query form: "The way that True Magick works is that it essentially becomes that Spell card for the duration of its ability. Because of this, you could activate Twila Katherine Price while True Magick is being treated as that Spell card, and a charge could be placed on it." — joguitarist · 1
Enchanted Bow goes brrrrrrr — AlderSign · 309
Swift Reload

Fast, can give you much more ammo then Extra Ammunition. Brilliant brilliant card.

The extra cost is no problem, characters have more money than most. The extra XP is perfectly worth the bonus ammo and saved action. Just ask Leo Anderson, he allways has some ammo in his supply pack, Mark Harrigan too!

Jokes aside, there's a variety of firearms so all the fighty dudes would do well to at least consider this card a bit.

Edit: wups, Mark cant take it! Still good tho.

Tsuruki23 · 2552
Mark Harrigan can't run Swift Reload. He only gets level 0 Tactic cards. — Death by Chocolate · 1473
Any ruling on how to use this with Jenny Barnes’ signature Twin 45’s? I would guess you just use the same amount of uses it was put into play with? — jeffa6543 · 1
This is from the FAQ 3 years ago: If you use Sleight of Hand to put Jenny's Twin .45s into play, you never pay the cost so you never specify what X is. (“If X is not defined, its value is equal to 0.” RR, page 22) Same goes for while Jenny’s Twin .45s are in your hand. After it is played, its cost is no longer defined, so it reverts back to being undefined (“X”, or “0”). Essentially, the cost of Jenny’s Twin .45s is only defined while you are playing it. -- So, it looks like Swift Reload would only load it up to 0 — Wildweasel · 7
Rita can take this to reload the Old Hunting Rifle during an Ace in the Hole / Will to Survive turn. — Zinjanthropus · 229
Leo Anderson+ BAR + this+ Contraband. Enough said! — Krysmopompas · 360
Yea, it's pretty damn stupid that this isn't a Guardian card — TheDoc37 · 468