You can look at this card in three ways: as a resource-for-cost engine, as a mass curse generator, and as a precision curse generator.
As a pure resource generator, it feels awkwardly positioned. Rogues have lots and lots of level 0 cash options and if you don't actually want the curses there are much safer and easier ways to get a reasonable amount of setup down. If you play the charm and then activate it twice, you sink in 1 card, 3 actions, an item slot, and 6 curses to generate 7 resources. You can also get 7 resources in 3 actions with Bank Job + click or Faustian +2 click. Emergency Cache/"Watch this!"/Sneak By etc. also generate comparable value. And if you need fewer resources those are all better. So, in green, Scrimshaw only really shines if you intend to click for 12 resources or more. I think most level 0 decks struggle to make meaningful use of that cash or recover from sinking in that many actions. If you have Well Connected you're taking 3 curses for roughly +1 to 1 test each round going forward. With events like Small Favor or Intel report you're spending 2 actions and 3 curses to get 2 clues or damage. That's okay I guess but it's no Stirring Up Trouble, and building all your resource gen into one card risks bricking you if it doesn't appear, although at least items are easy to find these days.
It is more plausible an option for the off-class investigators with Cursed access. Even setting aside synergy considerations, they're mostly blue and purple characters with fewer native econ tools and more expensive level 0 toys. It does also plausibly seem worth swapping in with Adaptable later on if you're having trouble powering up The Black Fan.
On the other hand, this is the fastest and most reliable curse generator available at level 0. Justify the Means and Stirring Up Trouble are faster but one-shot and you may want to hold them for impact. If you actively want to flood the bag, this is a great way to do that while paying for the curse-matters assets you want to leverage with it. It is however a bit painful for most mystics to give up the accessory slot, and you may actually flood the bag so much that you stop being able to get resources from it. Still, this has obvious appeal to folks like Kohaku and especially Occult Reliquary Dexter who can milk it for resources and then swap it for a different accessory or hand item.
Kohaku, of course, also cares about the exact ratio of curses to blessing in the bag, as does anyone running Key of Solomon. Although, since the Key turns curses into resources, the benefit is arguably redundant, so I doubt other characters run both. But, Kohaku may appreciate having this on hand to force curse pulls off his book or to to turn blessings into money by spending an action on this and then buying it back with his passive.