Scrimshaw Charm

You can look at this card in three ways: as a resource-for-cost engine, as a mass curse generator, and as a precision curse generator.

As a pure resource generator, it feels awkwardly positioned. Rogues have lots and lots of level 0 cash options and if you don't actually want the curses there are much safer and easier ways to get a reasonable amount of setup down. If you play the charm and then activate it twice, you sink in 1 card, 3 actions, an item slot, and 6 curses to generate 7 resources. You can also get 7 resources in 3 actions with Bank Job + click or Faustian +2 click. Emergency Cache/"Watch this!"/Sneak By etc. also generate comparable value. And if you need fewer resources those are all better. So, in green, Scrimshaw only really shines if you intend to click for 12 resources or more. I think most level 0 decks struggle to make meaningful use of that cash or recover from sinking in that many actions. If you have Well Connected you're taking 3 curses for roughly +1 to 1 test each round going forward. With events like Small Favor or Intel report you're spending 2 actions and 3 curses to get 2 clues or damage. That's okay I guess but it's no Stirring Up Trouble, and building all your resource gen into one card risks bricking you if it doesn't appear, although at least items are easy to find these days.

It is more plausible an option for the off-class investigators with Cursed access. Even setting aside synergy considerations, they're mostly blue and purple characters with fewer native econ tools and more expensive level 0 toys. It does also plausibly seem worth swapping in with Adaptable later on if you're having trouble powering up The Black Fan.

On the other hand, this is the fastest and most reliable curse generator available at level 0. Justify the Means and Stirring Up Trouble are faster but one-shot and you may want to hold them for impact. If you actively want to flood the bag, this is a great way to do that while paying for the curse-matters assets you want to leverage with it. It is however a bit painful for most mystics to give up the accessory slot, and you may actually flood the bag so much that you stop being able to get resources from it. Still, this has obvious appeal to folks like Kohaku and especially Occult Reliquary Dexter who can milk it for resources and then swap it for a different accessory or hand item.

Kohaku, of course, also cares about the exact ratio of curses to blessing in the bag, as does anyone running Key of Solomon. Although, since the Key turns curses into resources, the benefit is arguably redundant, so I doubt other characters run both. But, Kohaku may appreciate having this on hand to force curse pulls off his book or to to turn blessings into money by spending an action on this and then buying it back with his passive.

This might also be worthwhile in skids because you can turn 1 action into 4 resources and 4 resources into 2 actions or just refund the action and put the resources toward his debts. It is slow though and False covenant alone doesn't really keep up with 3 curses per turn. — OrionAnderson · 79
I'd rather use Faustian Bargain if you run Kōhaku. He (and basically no one) needs that amount of curse token in the token bag to work. 2 actions to get 4 resources, 3 curse tokens and a valuable slot taken isn't the best option, when you can just play Faustian Bargain and get more by less action and no slot. It is still a good card if you don't have the Innsmouth pool, at least for the first scenarios of a campaign. — rodro · 205
British Bull Dog

I don't know if this card is good or not, yet that's not the point. This is one of the most thematic cards in the whole game. I can only imagine Alessandra Zorzi saying, 'So you don't like my words? Maybe you will like my lead.'

Fluxway · 151
It's basically shrivelling for Rogue so probably pretty good IMO. — OrionAnderson · 79
Its a level 0 card that lets you deal damage consistently with feet - it looks great to me :) — KakuRainbow · 97
Get this via Versatile in Daniela Reyes and combo it with Fake Credentials (: — AlderSign · 309
@AlderSign: let me get this straight - you want to spend 4 xp, get a +10 deck size to get 1 copy of each card (making it even harder to get both at the same time), spend 3 resources and an action to play Fake Credentials and another action to parley with an enemy for no effect other than to fail it in order to... not pay 3 resources and an action for a weapon strictly worse (for Daniela) than a level 0 Colt? I would not call it a combo, not even synegry tbh. I get that it procs Daniela's ability, which admittedly, can be spammed, since it has no limit per turn. But I don't think 1 testless damage per action is worth it. Even counting in a possibility of failure, I would much rather spend that 4xp on two Baseball Bats (2). — Almevirian · 1
The things we do for love. — AlderSign · 309
Wounded Bystander

Vincent Lee has a dark secret, he does not want to talk about. You know, how caring he is about any wounded bystander, he encounters? His mind suffers deeply, whenever he can't help, or at the very least keep them alive. This was not always the case. Once he visited Dunwich, and let somebody die, without regret. He blamed the Unhallowed Country for that.

Susumu · 371
Seal of the Seventh Sign

I think there is a simpler way to get enjoyment from this card than mathematically computing how many that should have been negated. Then you'll not want to purchase it, because you think it does nothing in most tests.

It can give you quite a special experience when you could declare "hah! auto win!" as soon as you have boosted to match the highest minus in the bag, not often what you can feel in this game. If you think of it this way, it always does something on every test that everyone could enjoy until the charge runs out.

My play group is obviously grinning when doing high advantage test with sealed here. I think the card does its job well and we were entertained.

5argon · 10747
Hunting Jacket

Love this jacket. I created a Charlie Kane deck with lots of animal companions to go with my Rod of Animalism, and despite organizing my allies around animals and a few low-cost people, I was still having money troubles. Then, mid-campaign, I picked up the jacket. NOT ONLY is it extra soak - which I need because I now start every game at 4 & 4 due to trauma - but with sufficient card draw and a few turns, it's a gain of 4 resources. Plus, I get to say that I'm shoving birds, cats, dogs, and people inside my coat and popping them out when the coat inevitably falls apart XD

BeanofGlory · 16